A little intro, since this is my first post here . . . I've read The Coldfire Trilogy many times, and I keep on giving my copies of the books away to recruit new fans and have to buy them again. These books are responsible for a slight dip in my GPA the first time I read them, one finals period in college. But I just discovered that there is a fandom (thanks to
non_txt), and even a slash fandom, and now I am re-reading it yet again, this time with an eye to fic. At some point I hope to have a longer offering, but for now . . .
linaerysTitle: The Abyss
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Standard Disclaimer:
All publicly recognizable characters, settings, plot, etc. are the property of C. S. Friedman. The original characters, settings and plot are the property of the artist/author. The artist/author is in no way associated with C. S. Friedman and no copyright infringement is intended. This work is an amateur fan effort and no profit is being made.
Summary: Damien thinks about his path
A/N: Set very early in Black Sun Rising
Damien heard of the Forest, heard of the Hunter, long before Jaggonath.
He wonders how many other men felt the chill of footsteps walking over their graves when they first read the name on the map. The Forest. The Hunter. He wonders how many felt as much seduction in that chill as repulsion.
The abyss calls to even the heartiest souls. If not, who would have given the dark fae shape, those thousand years ago? Mankind’s dark dreams have haunted him everyplace he goes.
Forest. Hunter. The path there lay under his feet from the moment he read the names.