Title: Happy Endings
hunters_retreat Pairing: Sam/Dean
The HPOE SagaSummary: Sam finds a hunt that Dean has trouble believing in.
Author's Note: This was inspired when I got creeped out in Pirates of the Caribbean. I was going to write one story for it, but it's now decided to be a bunch of drabbles with a story that will eventually have a plot and everything :P Enjoy!
AN#2: No, this isn't over. I just got inspired to write more Haunted Mansion Porn... (What is wrong with me? :P)
Happy Endings
Stolen moments around the secret corners of the magical castle did nothing to lessen the way Dean was feeling, so when the pod they were riding in slid to a halt as they were hidden in the dark of the haunted mansion the second time around, Dean smiled wickedly at his brother. Opening Sam’s jeans he slid warm fingers around his cock.
“Bet I can get you off before the cemetery.”
Sam’s moan into his brother’s mouth was the only answer. After all, how could they end the day at the happiest place on Earth without a happy ending?
On to
They Hadn't Been Dean