Title: Fairytale Ending
hunters_retreat Pairing: Sam/Dean
The HPOE SagaSummary: Sam finds a hunt that Dean has trouble believing in.
Author's Note: This was inspired when I got creeped out in Pirates of the Caribbean. I was going to write one story for it, but it's now decided to be a bunch of drabbles with a story that will eventually have a plot and everything :P Enjoy!
Fairytale Ending
Sam let his head fall back against the wall of the dark alcove Dean pushed him into, stealing kisses until giggling broke through the moment.
“Go get your own prince charming,” Dean said without looking.
“We’re going to get thrown out,” Sam said breathlessly.
“Tell the dwarves to stop perving then.”
“They’re kids Dean.” So much for keeping his brother from corrupting the youth of America.
Dean just smirked and pulled him close. “They’re gone now. So how about we see if Prince Charming’s kiss was really worth waking up for?”
And, well, Sam had always liked a fairytale ending.