Title: Begging for More
hunters_retreatPairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 100
Author's note: Written for
mr_mrs_faxsea's prompt of J's as rivaling pittmasters in a BBQfair cook-off. A prompt for my
December Drabble Days!
“You really think you’ve got what it takes?” Jensen asked. It was a friendly, heated rivalry but the fans of the local rival TV cooking shows ate it up.
“Wait until you taste what I’m cooking. Even you’ll be begging for more,” Jared answered with a smirk.
The grills were smoking and Jensen smiled at Jared. “Maybe, but I think your mouth will be watering before I’m through.”
It didn’t really matter if Jensen won today. Both show’s ratings would benefit from the competition. And afterwards, Jensen would make sure Jared was the one begging before the night was over.