I'm not wasting my time, in a way, since I'm sudying. At least making an attempt to. It's sunny outside and birds are singing and spring is here, even though it snows little during some nights. And I don't want to be here reading about terminology management and about scientific and technical translation. I want to be planting flower seeds and
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Comments 5
Only lovely things here are remoteness and nature, that is if I wasn't so tired of them. I do love nature though, it's just that when it's there it takes time to get anywhere :P And even then there's nothing much you can do...
Let's switch places! ;)
And yeah, let's switch!!
I know I have achieved and done things this spring, but still I feel like a loser because due to studying I have neglected some other things :( I'm sorry about that. I have a horribly guilty conscience. And all of this feels like an excuse. I want to change myself.
Kuten mainitsit, on tärkeää tunnustaa myös kaikki ne hyvät jutut, jotka oot saanut aikaan. Muutos onnistuu kyllä, kunhan vain määrittelet, mitä haluat tarkalleen itsessäsi muuttaa. Itse lähtökohtahan on jo varsin hyvä: tunnistat onnistumisesi joissain asioissa sekä myös haluat muuttua. Gambatte kudasai.
Not a single day goes by that I wouldn't wish I was in a place where I could take the subway and go and see and experience things.
Onnistuu vielä tämäkin.
Muuten, häiritseekö kommentointini tai lukemiseni? Voit sanoa ihan suoraan, en loukkaannu. Toiset ihmiset kokevat sen oudoksi tai kiusalliseksi, että (puoli)tutut ihmiset lukevat heidän juttujaan, ja se on ihan ymmärrettävää :)
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