Title: BABY, THINK IT OVER (Chapter One, part two)
Disclaimer: I do not own Viewfinder or any of it's awesome characters - Yamane-sensei does
Warnings: Language, Sex Talk
Characters: Akihito x Asami, OC
Rating: 18
“Settle down! Settle down! We have a lot to get through before you get out of here today!” She was a small woman. She wore her hair
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Comments 64
A great start, with background, introduction of characters, very well done!
I can't wait to read the next chapter! :D
I squealed so hard, I hurt my own ears, and I wonder what that creepy thought about Asami taking his prize before he could get this clammy hands on him. I so glad Asami did get Aki just to protect him fromm that goady rich kid which I know he would just abuse, use, and toss what ever is left out once he was done. I his sister did to Aki's brother. Yay, Asami, sorry Aki but you were meant for Asami. Tehehe!!
It's really interesting for 1st chapter.
I'm curious when you said this class, is that mean, their old were same?
Was it set in college or high school setting?^^
I can't wait to see more.
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