Title: Takaba's Magic Potion Characters: Asami and Aki Warnings: Smex and language Disclaimer: I do not own any of these charactersAkihito couldn’t trust himself to answer
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Asami pulled back out of the kiss and whispered. “But thinking you were gone, I suddenly saw my life truly without you and it scared the hell out of me. I realized I not only wanted, I needed you in my life. I need your irritating, self-absorbed, sexy ass wiggling for only me.” He grabbed one of Akihito’s firm globes and squeezed.
Love it. Oh, Asami, so romantic. Heh. Well I guess Akihito did get the gist of it anyway.
As far as the river goes - at least Akihito gave Asami the chance to say yes this time before he was flown across but I think Aki would have had to go for it regardless since their lives were on the line. Hopefully they will have a little time to get away before the solders catch up to them.
Comments 6
*cheers on Asami and Akihito*
Asami pulled back out of the kiss and whispered. “But thinking you were gone, I suddenly saw my life truly without you and it scared the hell out of me. I realized I not only wanted, I needed you in my life. I need your irritating, self-absorbed, sexy ass wiggling for only me.” He grabbed one of Akihito’s firm globes and squeezed.
Love it. Oh, Asami, so romantic. Heh. Well I guess Akihito did get the gist of it anyway.
As far as the river goes - at least Akihito gave Asami the chance to say yes this time before he was flown across but I think Aki would have had to go for it regardless since their lives were on the line. Hopefully they will have a little time to get away before the solders catch up to them.
Run boys run!
loving it
more pls hun! xx
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