Title: Takaba's Magic Poyion
Characters: Asami and Aki
Warnings: 18 plus (language)
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these wonderful charactersAkihito would never have been interested in this jerk, but even he had to admit the colonel had an amazing body. There may have even been a time when that would have been enough for Akihito as well.
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Comments 6
It makes me wonder if the thought that Aki had about Fei's breath reminding him of an Angel Walker will come into play. Hmmm.
Since Asami has to be raging with anger now, I'm sure he'll find a way to find Aki if only just to punish him for making him fly again. Heh - he needs a Superhero suit of some kind. And, I'm sure there will be a show-down between Fei Long and Asami somewhere down the line. So, I wonder who this king is. Someone we know?
Enjoyed the update. Worried for Aki (but then, I guess what else is new - heh).
I like to read your stories about my favorite Akihito♥ He's so cute and sweet♥
I'd like to read "Until You":)
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