Title: Where Angels Fear To Tread [2/4]
mydoctortennant Pairing/s: Arthur/Gwen
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Merlin, unfortunately, doesn’t belong to me… maybe one day!
noodlesishere for her prompt ‘relief’ and want of a kiss.
Summary: What would have happened in 2x04 had Lancelot not miraculously been in Hengist’s place.
Notes: This comes to you un-beta'd so if there are spelling mistakes or whatnot they are all my own, and if you want to point things out to me, go ahead XD Title from Bryan Adams song of the same name.
my merlin prompt table Part I | Part II |
Part III |
Part IV A guard came for her a few hours after she woke. It felt like a lifetime. Allshe had to do was stare at the stone walls or fiddle with her Lady’s cloak, not really the most interesting things to do, but they beat feeling sorry for herself.
He was rude, and brash and in need of a good washing, but Gwen couldn’t’ vocalise her thoughts, if she did she knew it would be the death of her. He grunted something then clasped iron cuffs around her wrists and pulled her on a chain down the corridor she knew led to the main event room, to the cage.
She was practically being dragged down the corridor; the guard’s stride twice the size of hers, and with it she had to practically run, and when she didn’t have the energy to keep u the pace she felt like her arms were being wrenched from their sockets.
“Morgana,” Gwen was forced into the cage, “Morgana,” she flinched, looking up at him, “I keep asking myself, ‘Why does Uther not pay the ransom? He’s a rich man’,” his voice rasped, approaching her, Gwen daren’t step back she didn’t want to prove a weakness, “Why would he leave his beloved ward, to suffer a slow and terrible death?”
“I don’t know, she stepped back away from him then, no longer able to control her fear of him, he was a big man, and she wasn’t a huge girl. She felt like an ant against a Griffin, she didn’t stand a chance, “Please,” he grabbed one of her hands, her back up against the wooden poles of the cage walls.
“It must be very upsetting to know that Uther has abandoned you. It seems like no one in the world cares for you,” and it certainly felt like it, in that moment, with the bearded villain breathing in her face.
“I don’t know why he doesn’t pay. Please I don’t know,” she just about managed over shaky breaths.
He backed away from her, letting her go, “Take her to her cell.”
The guard opened the gate and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her out of the cage, lugging her through the winding corridor back to her prison.
“Bring Kendrick to me. Perhaps he can tell me why the Lady Morgana has the hands of a serving girl!” Gwen heard echo behind her. She visibly gulped, trying not to cry out at the pressure the guard was exerting on her arm. It wasn’t long now, soon she would be dancing in the sky, with her father by her side.
Forced into her cell, Gwen tripped over the long tails of the dress she wasn’t used to wearing. Her hands grating against the floor, she winced, crying out, she looked at her hands, the teller that she wasn’t who she had been ordered to pretend to be. Servants hands.
She knew now that she wasn’t going to last. Nobody was coming for her.
She crawled onto the bed, wrapping herself in Morgana’s over-sized red cloak. Tears streaming down her face, she inhaled the faint trace of her Lady’s scent. She curled into the only comfort she had, shutting her eyes against the world she no longer wanted to see. Sobs wracked her body, eventually allowing her to sleep.
Merlin looked up.
He gulped. Arthur was hell bent that they were going in there, he wasn’t about to let Merlin’s cowardice about climbing a vertical wall get in his way. Either Merlin came with him, or he left him behind. He wasn’t stopping now they had gotten that far, Gwen meant far too much to a lot of people for that.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Merlin whispered, looking to his right at his master.
“Then you stay. I’ll see you when we get out,” Arthur said, stubbornly setting off to climb the wall.
“Oh this isn’t fair.”
It took far too long for them to climb, so Merlin thought, his arms were shaking, and he didn’t think he could make it much further.
Arthur seemingly look unaffected by the climb, his determination forcing him further and further up the wall. Merlin on the other had, was panting and dying for a drink.
“You really are completely useless aren’t you Merlin?” Arthur reprimanded and his manservant appeared to slip for what felt like the hundredth time.
“It-“ he lost his grip, nearly falling again, “It’s harder than it looks.”
Arthur rolled his eyes, and continued on his climb, Merlin didn’t have much choice but to follow, they were so close to the top anyway.
“Oh! Now! Now you’re just showing off!”
Gwen was forced awake when a pair of rough hands pulled her from the bunk she had been sleeping on. An indignant grumble escaped her lips, but she was forced to her feet against her will and ordered to walk.
The route was one that had begun to sink into her brain, she knew it now like the back of her hand. Not that she had had the time before this to examine the backs of he hands all that thoroughly, but with the added time of her hands, she didn’t have much else to concentrate on other than death, missing her life and her hands.
Her hands that had betrayed her in the heat of the moment. The hands that told Hengist that she wasn’t who he thought her to be. How he hadn’t realised before then escaped Gwen. She was hardly the most noble of looking women, and she certainly didn’t act like nobility, yet he had placed trust in his men and taken their word.
Gwen was greeting in the hall by a roar of cheers. Men griping at her. Whistles aimed in her direction. The guard threw her through the door of the wooden cage, laughing at her locked it behind her, tucking the key into a pouch attached to his trousers.
From where she had landed on the stone floor, Gwen nervously looked around the room, she had no idea what Hengist had in store for her, and she wasn’t entire sure that she wanted to find out.
They sneaked a look around the corner, seeing a pair of guards playing Knock.
“You distract them,” Arthur ordered for the second time that trip, last time he had been told off for knocking them out, and this time- “I’ll knock them out,” he just wanted the fun all for himself.
“How do I distract them?” instead of primanding him this time, Arthur drew him close, about to tell him what to do when he pushed him down the steps to the guards. They stood, scowls on their faces, they reached for their swords.
“What are you doing there?”
“Nothing. Me?” He circled, managing to get the guards backs to the way he had just come from, even if they were ready to run him through, “Actually, funny story. I was out walking and took a wrong turn and here I am,” he smiled, “Do you know the way to the Vial of Dinaria?”
“Who are you?”
“Me?” He saw Arthur stand behind them, “I’m no one, it’s him you should be worried about.”
The confused guards turned to look just as Arthur punched them both square in the face knocking them out. He wiped his gloves, raising an eyebrow at Merlin, a mission accomplished.
“Release the Wildren!” Hengist shouted, the crowds of men cheered and jibed, sticking there hands into the cage to grab at Gwen. Anything to touch a pretty woman.
Gwen would have been backed into the cage wall if it wasn’t for the sheer amount of hands she ran into the first time. One hand had managed to grab a fistful of material pulling her to him through the barriers.
She’d turned on him quickly, stepping away and slapping his hands away from her, which earned her a laugh from the crowds.
She had learnt from years in the castle how to keep her cool in situations such as that. Many a time she had had a drunken Knight grabbing at her skirts. She had often been saved by Arthur, long before anything had happened between them, with him ordering them home and apologising on their behalf.
She heard the loud grumbled of the monster as it crawled up the ramp into the cage.
Her breath shook. She couldn’t stop this. She had no means of escape or defending herself, “Oh please God help me.”
To Part III