Title: The Sound of Reassurance
Characters: Nishikido Ryo/Maruyama Ryuhei
Rating: R
Warnings: Strong language, adult themes
Summary: The push and pull of every day life in a war torn country will eventually wear them all down. This is how they cope.
A/N: This is a companion piece for a WIP fic. It is set in a post-apocalyptic world where Kanjani8
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Comments 3
It's been a very long time since I read fic and even longer since I saw a summary from a writer I was unfamiliar with that compelled me to. I'm really glad I did.
This was gorgeous. I really felt engaged by the tone and the images described and those left undescribed. The dialogue was perfect in its minimalism. I'm really looking forward to the WIP you mentioned. Thank you for sharing this.
i'll look forward to the WIP :)a
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