i went to the del mar fair with my mom and my was fun... i <3 carnies!!! theyre so...odd...anyways my friends claim that there was a guy who was interested in carnie guy so no one get to excited.we were up late last night watching a canadian show called degrassi omg its so good!!!!! anyways i g2g...
like an old rag doll you play with me uncaringly with my tattered heart seams and my fake never to come true dreams i cared for you, my owner and in return you tore me in two not caring what became of me.. but of
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so my life right now is pretty much 50/50 my love life...wait i dont have one!!! ill be moving to az in like 3 weeks...ish and im leaving all the crap from ramona behind(not my friends arent crap...i mean drama and other various stuff) and i have to make another life and make new friends and basically start all over again...the yearbook staff i
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so in 5 weeks i am moving to arizona...sad fish!!! gah!!! i need to go shopping!!! my parents are like"btw next week we need to start to pack....oh no!!!
gah!!! so pissed!!! ppl are such drama queens!!! theyre like emo kids or whatever!!! "omg...he didnt kiss me...the world is ending for me!!!" gosh!!! ok well anyways i dont wanna move!!! im moving on the 30th of june!!! well yah i g2g!!!
ok i know a lot of ppl and they give me crap for being so dedicated to my christtianity!!!the power of prayer helped me a lot and i dont know why ppl cant face that!!!im sorry if your pageanist or athiest or w/e but i love jesus!!!so get bent!!!
well...these past two days have been fun...well my spring break!!!ok friday jena,jason,jimmy,john+i went to cocoas!!!holy crap that was so much fun!!!muchos love to ya'll!!!then saturday my daddy got a new truck!!!its awesome!!!sunday(easter)i went to early bird service at my church at like 5:30 in the morning then my mom took me to a surprise
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