Last nights Vamp game (DoT, not Cam) rant

Feb 20, 2003 10:42


Why do the STs try to lead us by the nose along their insane plots around their stupid characters?

We are supposed to be trying to stop an escaped demon. A guy in a sparkly aura (visible to normal sight) appears and offers everyone a free magical gift, each witha small downside. The Malk saw him in his true form, a tall creature with horns/tail/hooves. The guy claimed to be a "Fae". As my character has never met a Fae in 1000 years I asked him to prove it as he looked like a demon. They got a bit flustered and I only accepted a gift when another player (not character) asked me to just so that _something_ was happening.

The way it worked was their were some "tarot" cards spread out in a pattern on a table and we had to pick one. He asked who had Occult Lore and 2 of us put our hands up. Rather then tell us quietly he annonced to the room that the cards on the North/South/East/West points were the best. I asked him why shout it as now everyone will now pick those, regardless of lores. It also removes the possibility of me lying about it (if I chose to). He had no answer (again).

My power: you can spend blood and heal others (including Aggravated damage). Downside? I grow a 3rd eye that I "can't" cover and it glows when I heal others. Yeah, I'll be a Salubri in a room with Tremere in it >.<

The Prince's power was to shoot 10Agg fireballs. Cost was 3 blood and temporary blindness. He opened up on the insanely overpowerful/gooby Gangrel which was an STs character. The other STs character got in the way and was almost killed. I would have finished her (even with witnesses) but I was watching the Gangrel take hit after hit as he kept attracting the Prince's attention. He didn't take the hint and leave and I kept asking him how hurt he looked. At this point the STs were trying to call an early time-out as their characters were getting hurt....

He had Fortitude and after about 5 hits of 10Agg he said he was down to 1/4 of his health. We went outside and I thought "this is my best chance...". I kicked in celerity and hit him 10 times for 10Agg before he reacted. That should have made a fine paste of almost anything, especially him in his condition.

His response? A laugh and he said he runs away. WTF? He seemed to think it was a funny rivalry and we'd laugh about it next week. I said no, I want you dead.

"I'll earth-meld"
"That takes time and I'll just attack the earth till you
errupt" (char almost frenzying)
"I'll use my webs to climb over the buildings"
"[Summon, Majesty] Come here..."
"I have 7 blocks"
"Pity you didn't/couldn't use them..."
"Err... We're not allowing Burning Wrath in the system"
"So why did 2 of the 3 STs clear it at character
generation?" He's suddenly not going to allow the one
thing which seems to hurt him? No STs complained when I
used it on NPCs to save the Elysium...

Deb thinks they may not want her back. I can put up with the idiot Toreador surviving as no-one finished her (but she should be crispy for ages. If the idiot Venom survives then it just proves my first impressions: we are playing around the STs monster characters rather than them running a story around the characters.



Its made me miss the politics of the Cam, good job I'm getting back into it...
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