I've finally gathered the enthusiasm to start building the web-site I wanted to make years ago. Its basically on on-line portfolio. I think I'll probably do a slightly posh HTML version before redoing the lot as a high-bandwidth Flash/ShockWave job
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Comments 3
They only charge £25 a year (£4 a month so paying yearly is better!) and provide a lesser spec for web but alot more for mail for that price
1GB Data Transfer Per Month
40MB Disk Space
10 POP3 Mailboxes
5 Autoresponders
Email List
CGI Scripting in Perl, C & Python
Server Side Includes
PHP Scripting
Web Based Email
I think you get:
200MB space
3GB bandwidth
50x50MB mailboxes (up to 10MB file attachments)
CGI script
Web based E-mail and stuff
purplepaw appears to be down or v slow atm.
still 40MB is restricting if you have alot of large files to upload.
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