Well I just used one bug to fix another, thanks Microsoft ;)
[select] boxes exist in windowed space generally don't pay attention to Z-index and always appear on top, sometimes this is not good.
[iframes] exist in both windowed and non-windowed space
[div] function normally
so by putting an [iframe] over a [select] and the [div] over that you can make a [select] box disappear
to make things even wierder, you can set the opacity of the iframe to 0 and all items below it will show through, except the [select].
[select name="ShopList" id="ShopList" style="font-size:Small;Z-INDEX: 102; LEFT: 8px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 50px"]
[option value="Choose Shop..."]Choose Shop...[/option]
[UL id="scheduling" onmouseout="visDisplayMenu();" onmouseenter="invisDisplayMenu('102', '210');" style="Z-INDEX: 120; LEFT: 105px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 20px;"]
[iframe style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;z-index:1;border: none 0px green; filter: alpha(opacity=0);" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" id="iFrameHelper"][/iframe]
[script language="JavaScript"]
function visDisplayMenu()
var HelperFrame = document.getElementById('iFrameHelper').style;
HelperFrame.pixelLeft = 0;
HelperFrame.width = 0;
HelperFrame.height = 0;
HelperFrame.visibility = "hidden";
[script language="JavaScript"]
function invisDisplayMenu(left,height)
var HelperFrame = document.getElementById('iFrameHelper').style;
HelperFrame.pixelTop = 38;
HelperFrame.pixelLeft = left;
HelperFrame.width = 182;
HelperFrame.height = height;
HelperFrame.visibility = "visible";
the functions are used to dynamically set the size of the iframe and to control its visiblility. Triggered by mouse events of the [UL] tag.