brownies & homework

Sep 11, 2006 21:37

"It's weird that you talk in 3rd person."

"It's weird that you talk to yourself. You're not supposed to do that until you're 30."

"You're weird..-er....-est."

"I'm telling mommy!" <---Tiffany runs downstairs.



It's so much fun doing homework when I have my lovely sister here to distract me. And of course, bring me brownies. Or not, for that matter...since she didn't. I fell asleep today and my sister[s] poked me until I woke up. It was quite cruel. [tear] I feel like going on a long, long, rant about school and grades and class rank, etc but today is my happy day. It's quite a nice thing, because I scheduled a happy day, where I have to be happy. No matter what happens, I'll still be happy! At least, until midnight tonight. x_x

Today, when I left the school, it was pouring cats and dogs. I was sorely tempted to dance in the rain, as I haven't done that for a while, but I decided against it. My better judgement, although, not very wise and quite boring, told me not to. But tomorrow, if it rains, I will run and dance in the rain. There's nothing quite as fun as that, and nothing brings back memories as that quite does. For summer, let's go to the Hollywood Boardwalk, again? Please? That and the beach. I feel like I'm already planning for it!

So, here's a story of my stupidity that I wish to share with you because it is quite funny and amusing. We have an APUSH test [along with an essay], a math test, a poet project due on Friday. [Tammy starts to freak out] But not only that, Tammy signed up for a debate tournament on Friday & Saturday. Which means, if Tammy gets selected, Tammy *must* go. Tammy is now praying that she doesn't get selected. Not only that, Tammy now has a 'big debate brother'. I don't really know what that has to do with anything BUT.

pardon me;


[Because, sucide isn't a strong enough word!]

/end of edit&updation.

chocolate fudge brownies with a a dash
of whipped cream!

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