I've...I've been asked over to a vampire's place. I never thought this could ever happen.
He is..really nice though and has offered to play for me. I..I like music and would like to hear him play. He plays very nicely...violin is what I heard him play..but he also apparently plays the piano.
It's not strange I suppose, to be asked over. I'm just..a bit nervous. I haven't met many people in the City and haven't been outside much...
My room mates would need to come with me....I'm not...not sure if I'm ready...
(OOC: Strikes are kinda hackable)
<< End Private >>
<< Filtered to Yuuki, Zero, Evangeline, and Lestat >>
Ano...I have been invited to listen to Lestat-san play music...Wou..would anybody be able to accompany me?
<< End Filtered >>
I see that a lot of people have been getting sick again. I do hope that this is not some sort of City spread disease...I don't believe that diseases spread by the City are normal in any way..
To those who are sick, I do hope you get better soon. It's no fun being sick.