{One-shot} The fiasco of the baking soda

Nov 27, 2009 09:43

Title: The fiasco of the baking soda
Author: asianchik92
Pairing: Jaemin? Jaechunmin? OT5?
Genre: Comedy (to make up for my last post)
Summary: Where Yoochun, Changmin, and Jaejoong are conniving but stupid... well maybe not Yoochun.

"Hyungdeul, remember, don't put the baking soda in this, I will." Changmin said, slowly hoping the words got into his head.

Yunho and Junsu nodded.

Changmin walked out of the kitchen and towards the bathroom. They were building a volcano, one of those little science fair little things that Yoochun did when he lived in America. Looking into the living room, Changmin grinned at the two who sat on the couch.

This was going to be the best day ever.

Changmin had, in the volcano's main cavity, placed a remote controlled bucket filled with baking soda. And knowing Yunho's and Junsu's innate curiosity, it would be perfect. They just had to add a little bit more baking soda, and the bucket would tip and POW! in their face. But as a foolproof tactic, Jaejoong and Yoochun sat watching them, having the remote in hand.

Changmin grinned and sat down next to Yoochun. Yoochun looked over at Jaejoong whose eyes merely twitched. Apparently Jaejoong was going to keep the cold charismatic face on to keep from falling into laughter that most likely wouldn't stop until the next day.

Yoochun looked at the two in the kitchen. He had placed a webcam in the kitchen specifically for this. They had spent two entire days planing this, in between photoshoots and recording sessions. This laptop was situated perfectly on his lap, making Changmin lean over to get a better look at what was happening.

Jaejoong refused to look. But the remote, simple with just a red button was held in his hands. Changmin watched as Jaejoong bit his lip and kept looking at Yoomin and then at the back of the laptop.

"Sorry hyung, we're not going to let you watch this," Changmin said grinning.

"You make it sound like you guys are watching something NC-18." Jaejoong shot back.

"Exactly why you aren't watching it." Changmin said. Yoochun burst out laughing.

"I'm older then you," Jaejoong sputtered out.

"Yup and you have more wrinkles," Changmin said before shooting up out of his comfortable seat next to Yoochun and sprinting around the couch. Followed by, what seemed like a very irritated Jaejoong.

Yoochun grinned as Jaejoong waved his hand around, trying to on touch the maknae. Looking at the screen, he saw Junsu and Yunho leaning over the opening of the volcano.

Jaejoong finally one touched Changmin. With the hand holding the remote. Yoochun's eyes widened as they heard a small rumbling noise coming from the kitchen. then a splattering of a liquid. Jaejoong's eyes looked at his hand. Changmin looked at the dropped remote. And Yoochun was too busy taking screen shots of a drenched Xiah Junsu and U-know Yunho.

Then the screams started.


Yoochun was suddenly reminded of an angry dolphin.


A/N: :D this would be priceless to watch.. :D

author: asianchik92, pairing: changmin/jaejoong, pairing: ot3

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