Title: Min’s Birthdays Song
Pairing: Changmin/Yoochun
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
His finger tickled over the ivory and ebony keys. Slowly, painfully, a melody began to form. The first notes peeked into the air, tentative and a little frightened. A first meeting, his eyes met scared and defiant brown ones, saw his own insecurities reflected back at him. The music gradually shifted and swirled into something innocent and light, almost playful. A few birthdays later, a coming-of-age celebration where a first kiss was stolen with gentleness, met with confusion, and then locked away with soft affection.
The tune grew heated, coming in a pounding rush. Another birthday and another kiss but this time there was little gentleness, no confusion, but still a seed of soft affection. The intensity of lifts and falls weighted the air. The crush of lips and battling of tongues, labored breaths and strained self-control. Tempo mellowed into the exploration of the freshly-discovered mutual lust and thoughtful regard, it drifted and slid into heavy, heated notes of savage passion.
Seeping in, almost unnoticed, to weave with the deep tones was a soft gentle drift of happiness, a joyful sound gained steadily on the heavier sounds. Another birthday and he knew the pleasure of connected psyches, bonded souls. There was a glee in laughing together and fighting together and loving together. The music became steadily richer, spanning birthdays of knowing looks, mutual desire, and shared humor.
A sharp and sudden downturn in the notes and another birthday, this one filled with doubts, fears, and recriminations. All the you-shouldas- and you-couldas sliced the air. Brittle and gut-wrenching, the music tore at the atmosphere. Painful and heartbreaking, he learned decisions could have unintended consequences. Unintended victims. The brittleness turned broken and jagged. The air wept as he had wept during those days apart. So many missed birthdays.
Then a scent permeated the music-laden air and the music gradually smoothed and lightened. An overwhelming depth of love and passion and healing heartache wound through the air as he watched the birthday celebration of earlier that day play behind his eyelids. He saw those uneven eyes sparkling at him over a birthday cake to daunt even an appetite the size of the universe. He felt lips brush the back of his neck in thanks, in love. Later, he remembered, after the celebration, they slid into bed and into each other. Skin against skin, soul to soul in a rediscovery and homage to the preciousness of their love.
A final warm, yet soul-shattering, note hung in the air and his fingers stilled on the keys. A thumb swiped an unnoticed tear from his cheek, startling him.
“I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“You didn’t.” Changmin folded his long body onto the piano bench, wrapping his arms around Yoochun’s waist. “I love to hear you play.”
the deadline is Thursday
Please send them in your entries (: