Since my last post was all "my ship is dying and I'm pissed" I thought I'd do a positive one. Who knew I had it in me?
I've already named (for myself) the people left on the Planet the Planetside Rebel Alliance ("PRA") or New Caprican Rebel Alliance ("NCRA"). Personally, I think PRA is going to kick ass. Best case scenario for Season 3 is that Kara will lead PRA. This is great stuff for Kara fans. Hello, she was born for this kind of thing. No rules, no regulations, no boundaries. Just a gun and a plan (and no Lee around to shoot). As far as building her character, it's solid gold 'cause other than Anders (assuming he even lives past the first few episodes of Season 3), she has lost her support group--no Helo, no Adama and no Lee. Plus, she is left on the planet with two characters she doesn’t connect with at all. Girlfriend is gonna grow and mature in a good way without losing the snark. [Of course we could see the worst case scenario--that she turns herself over to the Cylons in order to save Anders' life. That would suck.]
Roslin gets to be in charge of non-military stuff and will hopefully temper Kara and Tigh. Tigh doesn't have Adama to fall back on but also doesn't have the mantle of responsibility, which seemed to be a huge burden for him in Season 2. For some reason I think he's gonna do well working with Kara despite their differences. And the Chief gets to be his own damn self and we know he can do anything. If I had to bet on the Fleet succeeding or the PRA, I’d bet Planetside. They may be the screw-ups, but I think they’re gonna stand and deliver.
I know I’m probably wrong about this-but I could see Kara choosing to stay on the planet and fight it out there instead of returning to the Fleet if given the opportunity. On the planet she would be in charge and have no constraints. If she went back to the G, she would have to follow orders and routine. I bet that being a rebel alliance leader is a heck of a lot more fun than being Captain in the military..