Wait up bandwagon, here I come!
So you've no doubt seen this in other people's journals already, but in case you haven't, let me help you out you cave-dwelling, recently-thawed neanderthal! I'm going to post a dozen or so lyrics from some songs of my choice. You pick one of these lyrics to act as a prompt, and I write you a fic! It helps if you let me know what fandom, characters or pairings you'd like to see! Since I can't be arsed to write out ALL the fandoms/pups I'm comfortable with, just ASK in your comment, and I will give you a yay or nay. Most likely a yay, because I'm cool like that. :D
Without further ado, LYRICS A GO GO!
1. Alone in this room, thinking of you and what could have been
2. The sound of quiet is deafening, I wait for you to call
3. They say that girl you know she act so rough rough rough
4. You'll never call me by my name But I still want you
You play some pretty tricky games But I still want you
5. I should've spoken up, I should've proudly claimed
That oh my head's to blame, For all my hearts mistakes
6. I'm not perfect, But I keep trying
Coz that's what I said I would do from the start
7. I know when you hear these sappy lines you'll roll your eyes and say nice try
8. Tried to run but I couldn't move, Well I paid for these concrete shoes
9. I'd like to say that it's easy to stay but it's not for me, because I'm barely here at all
10. I'll say yes I'll undress I've done more for less
11. Policeman says "Son you can't stay here"
I say there's someone I'm waiting for if its a day, a month, a year
12. Move in close as the lasers fly, Our bodies touch and the angels cry
If you're curious as to what song a line is from, go ahead and guess/ask. Also I realize a lot of these are rather shippy, but you don't need to provide/ask for a pairing! Fic in general, of any focus, is what I'm hoping to provide.
SO HAVE AT! Ask away, I've got plenty of time. Fics will be posted as replies to comments, as opposed to new entries in my journal, just to make it easier on everybody to keep track.