Holy crap, where do I even START?

May 10, 2008 23:51

Since I doubt anyone really cares what I think about Lost, I decided to post some questions/thoughts that have come to me the past two weeks...

- So, how much time has passed since Kate's trial until the Jate flash forwards? I saw that a critic noticed that the newspaper Jack was holding said it was the summer of 2007. SO... Aaron was born late 2002, right? That makes him almost 5! If they were rescued early 2003 and if we assume that Kate's trial didn't last more than a year and happened right after they were rescued... does that mean Jack and Kate have been together 3+ years? It's just between the proposal and Kate talking to Jack about how he never says nice things about his dad - they just seem so FAMILIAR with each other. I mean, these two barely knew anything about each other's past on the island. I find it so amazingly cool how intimate they are with each other...

- Does this mean that Kate knows about Jack and his history with Sarah? It seems to me that Kate knew EXACTLY why Jack was asking if he was a good father. Gawd, I'd love to see more of this type of interaction. I mean, Kate seems to be the ONLY ONE that gets Jack and his issues...

- I get why Kate didn't think it was any of Jack's business to know WHAT the favor was but why couldn't she have told him that she was doing it? I mean, the fact she didn't tell him means that she KNEW he would be upset, right? And if she knew he would be upset, that means that she would know WHY he would be upset. So why wasn't she more understanding? I hate that there is so much Jack hate out there over this scene. Have people forgotten about what the cage sex did to Jack? I mean, really... can one blame Jack for being terrified that he only has her because Sawyer isn't around? It would have been SO EASY for Kate to reassure him but I guess that would destroy the triangle, huh?

- Anybody else notice that Kate put her hand to her stomach when Jack "scared" her right before the fight scene? I'm still trying to decide if this was just something Evi did or if it meant something? I still think that we'll see Kate pregant before the show is over... I would not be surprised at all if they go back to the island and then Kate is all "Surprise, Jack, I'm pregnant." I have a feeling that Claire does not die and that Kate will have to give Aaron back to her before this is all said and done. And TPTB have spent way too much time on Jate and CHILDREN. Kate possibly being pregnant (TWICE!), Kate not only getting Aaron but Jate raising him together, and then Jack wanting to have kids with Sarah... it just all seems like it has to be leading somewhere. And since womean can't get pregnant ON THE ISLAND, doesn't it make sense that Kate get pregnant before returning so that she could safely have a baby on the island?

- Hurley said Jack isn't supposed to raise Aaron. So, it seems everyone thinks this means that just KATE should. But didn't the psychic tell Claire that only SHE should raise him? And are Jack and Kate supposed to be the L.A. couple mentioned by the psychic?

- So Jack "saved" her, huh? How do we think that is going to go down?

- What the hell is going on with Claire? I mean, seriously. Even if Christian/Smokey is "good," why isn't Claire the least bit upset at the fact she left Aaron in the middle of the jungle? I don't know, it's all so weird.

- I had to laugh at the Jacket scenes this week. I mean, seriously, Juliet was more like Jack's MOTHER than any kind of love interest. And Jack looking happily/lovingly at Kate when they saw "rescue"? THE best.

- I think it's safe to say that there is time travel involved with this whole Lost mystery. But just HOW remains to be seen. Do people still think that the couple found in the caves with the black/white stones (Adam and Eve) is Kate and Jack?

- So, exactly how is Frank planning on saving everyone on the island? Is the walkie/phone for the Losties to listen in on what Evil McEvil is up to? And MOVE THE ISLAND? That should be interesting.

- So, it seems that the island is going to stop at nothing to get the Oceanic Six back on the island. But WHY? And in a recent interview, Darlton implied that the plane crash people were put on the island ON PURPOSE and FOR A PURPOSE. So, is this why the island is stopping at nothing to get them back? Are they supposed to protect it? And when Jack and Kate go back to the island (because we all know they will), will they finally be allowed to be happy?

- This week's episode was pretty boring for me. I mean, I'm not a Locke fan at all so I found myself bored except when Hurly opened his mouth. And we got to see Christian again. And my two seconds of Jate.

- This isn't a question, just some comments on Jate: I don't care what anyone says, Jack and Kate are FAR from over. I mean, if anything there is so much more story to tell. Obviously I haven't seen how Kate and Sawyer say good-bye but really, after the Jate flashforward, I will NEVER buy Kate going back to Sawyer, romantically. I mean, she accepted Jack's proposal to MARRY him. I don't take that lightly and I hope TPTB don't either. And finally, Jack/Kate are CANON. Like really CANON. Jaters are not crazy or delusional. Oh, and Matt and Evi are crazy good together. They just kill me with their chemistry.

I love Jate. That is all.

Bones = LOVE. If a show ever wants to know how to write a couple, they need to watch this show. Booth/Brennan are perfection. I think it's safe to say that I will be getting another one of my couples together soon. Okay, probably more like next season but hey, I'll take it.

Oh, and The Office ROCKS.

lost, jate, bones, the office

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