Fic - Violated (Chapter 11)

Oct 23, 2011 19:21

Title: Violated
Author: Carole B.
Series: Torchwood
Characters: Gwen Cooper, Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness, PC Andy Davidson, Owen Harper
Pairings: Ianto/Jack, Owen/Other
Gen/Het/Slash: Het, Slash
Warnings: Torture, Forced Sex, Violence, Language
Rating: R/NC-17 for the Prologue
Crossover: None
Word Count: 15,600
Beta: Time Hound
Summary: A serial killer has been flouncing around Cardiff, using the name Jack Harkness. When the team starts investigating the murders, they have doubt whether it is really Jack or not. To their shock, they find out it is someone really close to them, someone who shouldn’t exist.
Author’s Notes: Written for the 2011 tw-bigbang. Big thank you to my awesome artist hollymarchosias. Thanks to my friends who pushed this to get down, and thanks to Liz who gave me last minute line changes. The Prologue is very dark and graphic - if you wish you can skip over the Prologue and start with Chapter 1.


Artwork by hollymarchosias

Chapter 11

Gwen shuddered as she watched him through the glass wall of the cell. Jack had carried his prone body into the Hub and downstairs, leaving her directions to not let him out of her sight, and then he ducked into his office before running out again. Jack hadn’t said anything about Andy, or where Ianto was.

She looked down at her watch, noticing it had been almost an hour since Jack had left. Whatever they had done to Owen had knocked him out good. She sat there, her legs crossed, just looking at her former co-worker, her breathing nearly matching the rise and fall of his chest. Gwen started as he quickly sat up on the bunk, growling.

Slowly his head turned towards the glass and Owen grimaced at her. Gwen’s breath caught in her throat as he pushed himself up from the bunk in the cell, never taking his gaze off of her. The height, weight, look was definitely all Owen. Then she looked at his eyes. The eyes were too dark, too cold to be Owen. For the first time that day she truly regretted not grabbing her gun on the way down to the cells.

Owen moved up to the glass, pressing his hands against it, looking at her. He raised an eyebrow and grinned. She quickly stood up, kicking the stool back, her heart pounding. He cocked his head to the side, as if he was studying her. Gwen took a step closer, only to stop as Owen grinned, baring his teeth. This wasn’t right. How could this be him? It was as if everything he had been was stripped away.


Her breath hitched in her throat as her name tumbled off his lips. It sounded like him. “Yes?”

“Let me out of here. How can you keep me in here?”

“It’s for your own good.”

“Locking me up in a prison? How is this good?”

“We don’t know what happened to you.”

“Which is why I need you to help me Gwen. Please. He’ll hurt me. He already did.”

“He didn’t mean it. We can help you.”

“No you can’t. No one can.” Owen sighed, stumbling back towards the bunk and collapsing onto the hard surface.

Gwen moved towards the glass. She wished she could help. But she didn’t know what she could do. “Do you remember after saving Martha how you didn’t think you could be helped? But we found a way around it. Just give us some time.”

“I don’t have time. I can’t stay locked up.”

“You have time. Maybe even more than I do around here.”

“That’s for sure.”

“We will figure something out. We’ll try and work out something with the police.”

“You know the police.”


“We kissed. In the Hub. Before that nasty time in the country.”


“I saved you from the rifle buckshot in the Beacons. I had to pull the pellets from your stomach inside that little cottage.”

“That’s right.”

“You were pregnant. On your wedding day and refused to let me bring you to the Hub. You refused to cancel the wedding.”


“Toshiko? What about Toshiko? I need to find her.”

“Owen…” Gwen pressed her palm against the glass, not sure what to say. Did he not know? When had he lost communication in the middle of the chaos of that day.

“Gwen. Step away from him. Now.”

“We need to help him.”

“Oh, we’ll help him all right. But I need you to step back. Don’t touch him.”

Gwen took a step back, never taking her eyes off Owen as he sat there, hunched over, staring at the floor. “Why?”

“You need to trust me on this. Go upstairs. Ianto could use some help dealing with the police and what happened to Andy.”

She turned her face to Jack afraid to ask, but she knew she had to. “What did happen to Andy? Is he alive?”

“Barely. But he’ll live. Upstairs, now.”

She opened her mouth to debate with him. Gwen knew she should be helping with Andy, he deserved that much from her, but she felt like she needed to help save Owen if she could. Shutting her mouth, Gwen headed for the doorway. Jack gently squeezed her shoulder as she passed by him. With one foot on the stairs back up to the work area, Gwen turned around and watched as Jack stalked closer to the glass.

“Stand up and look at me,” Jack said.

“No,” Owen replied.

“Fine. Then we’ll start with an easy question. What’s your name?” Jack asked.

“Jack Harkness.”

It was as if Jack could feel her staring at him. He turned his head towards her, a frown on his face. He nodded his head towards the stairs and she reluctantly went that way. Behind her she could hear Jack asking more questions.

“Tell me what you remember.” Jack said to Owen.

Gwen hurried up the stairs, suddenly eager to help Andy any way she could. Or maybe she was just running? Gwen grabbed up the phone as Ianto filled her in: Andy was at the hospital, retconned. She began calling her other police contacts to see if they had any leads on who had hurt her former partner, and then started the dance of making them not point fingers at Torchwood, or Owen.


gwen copper, pc andy, torchwood, jack harkness, owen harper, fic, torchwood big bang, ianto jones

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