Title: The Naked Truth
Characters: Owen, Jack, Ianto
Word Count:100
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or the characters therein, they belong to the BBC and RTD. Any original characters and places are my property.
Author's Notes: I blame
erin_giles for planting this little plot bunny in my psychosis. As if I needed any help coming up with story ideas! So here you go, a quick romp, and a first for me to keep any of my writing to 100 words exactly!
The Naked Truth
Jack followed the sound of ladies screaming as Owen streaked past them. Jack was unsure just where to grab naked Owen. Ianto ran up to Jack, trying to not look ruffled, and straightened his tie.
“I’ll never be quiet again Mrs. McGirdie,” Owen yelled as he ran around a petite, gray-haired lady at the librarian’s desk.
“What was in the coffee Ianto?”
“It smelled nice so I added it in-”
“What did the bottle say?”
“That’s truth serum, in Danutian.”
“So, when he told Tosh…”
Jack looked up and started sprinting as Owen took off out the main doors.