Title: The Welcoming Committe
Series: Torchwood
Spoilers: Children of Earth, TW S3.4
Rating: PG
Disclaimers: I do not own Torchwood or the characters therein, they belong to the BBC and RTD. Any original characters and places are my property.
Summary: After the events of Day 4, there is someone waiting for Ianto.
Author's Notes: I guess I was inspired by the brilliant acting and wonderful writing. Write this backstage during my theatre show the last weekend.
The Welcoming Committe
“What the bloody hell are you doing here?”
“No, it’s the fucking Angel of Death and I came to get your soul. I only needed one more.”
“Not funny.”
“Sorry.” Owen walked up to Ianto, putting a comforting hand on his arm. Ianto was still so new, Owen could feel the stiffness of the white shirt the younger man wore. A shudder passed through Ianto. “What happened?”
“Torchwood,” Ianto said, looking down.
“Of course.” Owen stepped back, letting go. “Didn’t you know enough to let Jack take the bullet? Didn’t I teach you anything?” Owen slapped his hand to his chest, over the bullet wound that was forever there in his mind.
“Jack died, too.”
“Oh.” Owen shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “What happened?” he asked again.
“I figured as much. Pretty good odds of that being the case.”
“They wanted… They demanded…” Ianto started to breathe heavily, cradling his head in his hands. He finally seemed to calm down and then looked up at Owen, his eyes glistening. Ianto took a deep breath. “He loved me.”
“Yeah. We all knew that bloody fact.”
“He loved me.”
“And he always will.” Owen put his hand on Ianto’s back. “Are you ready?”
“You never are, no matter how many times you die,” Owen stated, ushering Ianto towards the edge of darkness. “Tosh is going to kill you if she can, you know that?”