Title: And the Writer Went hubahawha...
Series: Torchwood
Characters: Gwen, Jack, Owen, Tosh, Ianto
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or the characters therein, they belong to the BBC and RTD. Any original characters and places are my property.
Author's Notes: Another entry in the Writer!Fic series. Enjoy! I also hope the writer I mentioned doesn't mind.
And the writer went hubahawha…
“Ewwww… What is that?” Gwen asked crouching over the gray blob.
“Careful it doesn’t attack you.” Jack stood next to her, hands in his pockets.
Owen picked up a clothes hanger from the floor and poked the mass. “Looks like a brain to me.”
“But who’s? Tosh asked.
“Do you mind?” The writer griped holding out her hand. “I was reading
thrace_adams latest story and I lost it.”
Ianto pulled out a handkerchief and picked up the brain, setting it next to the writer by her computer. “At least it didn’t melt into fangirl goo. That’s hell on the carpets.”