Title: In Old Brazil
Series: Torchwood
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Beta: Going commando here, any mistakes are my own.
Spoilers: Only if you don;t know what Jack and Ianto do behind closed doors,or in front of them, or through doorways...
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or the characters therein, they belong to the BBC and RTD. Any original characters and places are my property.
Summary: Jack has a surprise for Ianto.
Author's Notes: This was written as a birthday gift for
laura_guerin. She is an awesome artist and if you need to know why, she is the one who did the artwork for Children in Time and Children Through Time.
The title comes from a Bing Crosby/Rosemary Clooney song from Rendeszvous.
In Old Brazil
Ianto couldn’t find Jack anywhere in the Hub. Checking the CCTV, he saw that Jack had left an hour ago, where, Ianto could only guess at.
Later that night, Ianto emerged from the archives to find the Hub aglow in candlelight. Jack stood in the middle of it all looking luscious in jeans and an open red shirt. He held out a glass of wine to Ianto. Ianto took it gratefully, sipping the cabernet.
“And to what do I owe this pleasure?” Ianto asked.
“Because I can,” Jack replied, slipping behind Ianto. He slid Ianto’s waistcoat off, careful of the wine glass. Jack moved around Ianto, always keeping a hand on the younger man. His hands slid under Ianto’s shirt, teasing his nipples. “Because I want to,” Jack growled as he kissed Ianto.
“Where did you disappear to earlier?”
“Surprise,” Jack said, pulling an envelope from his back pocket and held it out to Ianto.
Setting the wine down on a nearby desk, Ianto took the envelope and pulled out two vouchers. “What’s this?”
Jack smiled as he began to undo the buttons of Ianto’s shirt, one-by-one. “Just a little insurance for the future,” Jack drawled as his hands ran across Ianto’s bare chest.
Ianto read the vouchers. “Two tickets to Brazil? Why Brazil?”
“It’s hot, sexy, and should be far enough away from the Rift to not have a problem.” Jack’s lips brushed against Ianto’s lower lip. Jack licked at Ianto’s neck, tasting the heat from his pulse point. Jack gently bit down and sucked at Ianto, marking him as his own.
Ianto’s hands trailed up Jack’s body, fingers entwining in the Captain’s hair. “And just when are we going?”
“As soon as you tell the Rift to behave for a couple of days.”
“I can’t even tell you to behave for a couple of days,” Ianto retorted.
Jack chomped his teeth at Ianto, an almost feral grin on his face. Jack slid down Ianto’s body and undid his young lover’s trousers. “You don’t want me to behave,” Jack said, pushing the trousers down around Ianto’s ankles.
Ianto crinkled the tickets to Brazil in his fingers as Jack wrapped his mouth around Ianto’s shaft. “You behaving would definitely be less avant garde,” Ianto huffed as Jack began to suck. His free hand nestled onto Jack’s head, guiding him. Ianto kept his eyes wide open, imprinting the look of Jack in candlelight in his memory.