Facts are not precious treasures to be hoarded and only visited on special occasions. They're for everyday use, too. It is OK to use both facts and opinions in making a persuasive argument, but simply declaring that something is a fact, when it is provably NOT a fact, just makes you look like a giant asshole.
autologik and I both dreamed of peer acceptance last night, in strikingly similar context. This is the kind of thing that makes it hard to believe that dreams don't signify anything beyond excess mental energy
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Been following the stained glass work of Ichiro Tashiro for a couple of years now, the guy is amazing. No other word for it. You can see his galleries here. If you like stained glass, or beautiful objects, or ninjas, this is your go-to guy.
A woman in the diabetic cat forum we participate in made a tribute video/slideshow for New Years, recognizing (in pictures) all the kitties from the forum who died in 2008. It's literally just pictures of cats, with their names and dates, where known. Sometimes ages. There are two quotation slides, and one intro/title picture, but otherwise, it's
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