Hit up the Shower this Morn. Felt Lively. Played Halo 2 the entire afternoon. Took My Medication. Ate at Church. Failed the Test o_o. Held Her. And EFFIN excited School is to Begin.
Bring it On Junior Year, Goose
P.S. : Gonna Be Straight up B's in all classes >=O
Talk about a Major Waste of a Day O_O. Arrived home at 6:00 in the Morn and Woke up at 7:00 in the Afternoon. The most productive thing I've done today is take a pee off my back deck.
It's rather funny to think about the song by Green Day "Wake me up when September is Over" They're so Anti-Bush and Anti-Patriotism they want to dodge the entire September month
It's OK Green Day I feel the Same Way about February ;D.