we've got a couple of issues on hand but WHATEVER haha! too exhausted for drama. though the COOL part of the day is having lena marissa and maya over..and that one dude..hahah oh gosh whats his name??? oh how rude of me!!!
i DIE for B cups: there we go
iTrynotTOeatglue: YO
i DIE for B cups: lalallalalalal
i DIE for B cups: do anything to your hair lately?
iTrynotTOeatglue: i spooged in it
i DIE for B cups: i give up
i DIE for B cups: bye
iTrynotTOeatglue: bye
iTrynotTOeatglue: baby
iTrynotTOeatglue: loverpants
i DIE for B cups: yeah
i DIE for B cups: loverpants
iTrynotTOeatglue: spoogeyhair
i DIE for B cups: yes
iTrynotTOeatglue: k
i DIE for B cups signed off at 10:47:27 PM.
drumstreetlight: i want you to be there
iTrynotTOeatglue: i want YOU
drumstreetlight: um us, billigerent, ROi, maybe this days end, and some other band
iTrynotTOeatglue: i love tde
iTrynotTOeatglue: tdddddde
drumstreetlight: on the contrare..........i love you
iTrynotTOeatglue: i love you too
drumstreetlight: or however you spell it
iTrynotTOeatglue: like whoahhh
iTrynotTOeatglue: so hard
iTrynotTOeatglue: you wouldnt even believe it
drumstreetlight: what is hard?
iTrynotTOeatglue: my love
iTrynotTOeatglue: for you
iTrynotTOeatglue: its...deep
iTrynotTOeatglue: my throbbing penis is also hard
drumstreetlight: deep and hard
drumstreetlight: hmmmmmm
drumstreetlight: hahahhaa
drumstreetlight: that makes me feel weird
iTrynotTOeatglue: make it make you feel hot
iTrynotTOeatglue: and bothered
iTrynotTOeatglue: and aroused
drumstreetlight: mostly bothered
drumstreetlight: you having a wanker is tubular
iTrynotTOeatglue: its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK
drumstreetlight: yeah it is
drumstreetlight: but i just wanted to say tubular
iTrynotTOeatglue: fart
iTrynotTOeatglue: real hard
drumstreetlight: me?
drumstreetlight: i could try
iTrynotTOeatglue: oh god
iTrynotTOeatglue: you just made my night
drumstreetlight: but i havent yet
drumstreetlight: ill pee if i fart
drumstreetlight: and that was not on my schedule today
iTrynotTOeatglue: whateva
drumstreetlight: ok ok
drumstreetlight: ill do it
drumstreetlight: and then ill tell you
drumstreetlight: so are you going to actually talk to me at the show
iTrynotTOeatglue: heck yes
drumstreetlight: or are you going to avoid me like the other girls at the north show
iTrynotTOeatglue: im gonna talk dirty to you
iTrynotTOeatglue: talk you up and down the block until youre naked
drumstreetlight: well to tell you the truth that will happen pretty fast
iTrynotTOeatglue: oh
iTrynotTOeatglue: oh
iTrynotTOeatglue: oh wow
iTrynotTOeatglue: uh...wow
iTrynotTOeatglue: that would be...
iTrynotTOeatglue: wonderful
iTrynotTOeatglue: oh...
iTrynotTOeatglue: gosh
drumstreetlight: ok im not that great
drumstreetlight: you can stop now
drumstreetlight: but hey im going to go to the store real quick
drumstreetlight: but i want to talk to you when i get back
iTrynotTOeatglue: ok
iTrynotTOeatglue: leave me...
iTrynotTOeatglue: alone
iTrynotTOeatglue: in this harsh and frightening world
drumstreetlight: i need to get my quick fix
drumstreetlight: hahah
drumstreetlight: i think you will hanage
drumstreetlight: manage
drumstreetlight: i have faith in you my misress
drumstreetlight signed off at 10:28:15 PM.
DaveyNinja: Are you still around?
iTrynotTOeatglue: noooo!!!
DaveyNinja: haha
iTrynotTOeatglue: are you around?!?!?!?
iTrynotTOeatglue: or are you just vegan??
DaveyNinja: Oh, Justine.
DaveyNinja: I'm both.
iTrynotTOeatglue: no you arent
iTrynotTOeatglue: freakin...freakin pick one
iTrynotTOeatglue: one or the other
DaveyNinja: How?
DaveyNinja: I mean I am here.
iTrynotTOeatglue: davey....
DaveyNinja: And I am vegan.
iTrynotTOeatglue: DAVEY!
DaveyNinja: Yes?
DaveyNinja: What?
iTrynotTOeatglue: WHAT?!??!
iTrynotTOeatglue: what the fuckin hell do you want!?
DaveyNinja: I just wanted to say hi.
DaveyNinja: How are you doing?
DaveyNinja: You better all be watching Mulholland Dr.
iTrynotTOeatglue: eeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
i love it my little silly gooses!!! ♥♥♥♥♥