Title: You've Got Mail
hybridmusicCharacters: Blaine/Kurt
Rating: PG-13, may go higher
Word count: ~1990 this part
Summary: AU: Blaine is disabled and Artie introduces him to Kurt. Awkwardness and romance ensues. Fill for
this prompt on the glee angst meme.
Author's note: Not canon compliant. This will be slow going. Let's see how this goes...
From: Arthur.Abrams@wmhs.edu
To: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
Subject: dating...
It's been a while since I've done this, but things have been crazy around here. First of all, I um... had sex. Isn't it crazy? I never thought it would happen, but it did. But the really crazy thing is that I don't love her. I don't even really like her. I don't know how it happened. We were in her room practicing for glee club and all the sudden she says that it was bound to happen eventually. And it happened.
She's cute, I guess. I still miss Tina. Her name is Brittany and she's a cheerleader and she's kinda dumb, to be honest. Not really my type, but she's popular. She doesn't ask awkward questions. She has a lot more going on for her than I could ever dream of. Plus, she's a great dancer and that counts for a lot in my book. It's stupid things that lead to attraction, I guess.
I kind of regret it though. She's done it with almost every guy in school. I don't know why I didn't think of it. I got mad and "broke up" with her, but we weren't really dating. And I think I was too harsh on her. She showed me that I really could have sex. Finally, it was real.
But sometimes, I really don't like girls.
From: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
To: Arthur.Abrams@wmhs.edu
Subject: RE: dating...
I see how it is. After all this time, you can't even properly greet me. :( I only helped you out like a billion times and this is the thanks I get?
If you don't like girls, don't go out with them.
What can I say? You've officially seen more action than I have, so way to go. You know I have the same fears that you do. That no one will want us.
I wouldn't worry about the girl too much. At the end of the day, she wanted you! You don't seem to like her all that much though. Mistakes happen to teach us something. I like to think that anyway.
Dalton is boring as usual. You know any guys for me? haha.
Your bud,
From: Arthur.Abrams@wmhs.edu
To: Blaine.Anderson@daltom.edu
Subject: RE: dating...
I wrote that email when I was half asleep. Please forgive me. I really do appreciate your help. I'm sure you know how much help you've been.
I'm kinda just trying to forget about Brittany, but the more I notice her, the cuter she is. So maybe I do like her. I don't get it.
And I meant I "don't like" girls as in "they confuse me" and don't make that mistake again, bro.
Actually, now that you mention it, I do know a guy. I never thought about this before, but maybe my friend Kurt? He seems to be going through some hard times right now though... not sure why. He seems like he could use some company or advice or something. I know you're good at that. Maybe it'll be good for you guys to talk anyway. I'll try to work something out.
From: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
To: Arthur.Abrams@wmhs.edu
Subject: RE: dating...
Work it. Don't forget to mention the sitch though. People tend to get thrown off for some reason. Not sure why!
From: Arthur.Abrams@wmhs.edu
To: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
Subject: RE: dating...
Dude, he's friends with me. He's fine with it. He actually seemed excited to meet you and even asked where I'd been hiding you all this time. I almost made a bad joke, but I stopped myself.
When can you come up? I know it's far for you, but I still don't drive and Kurt has an SUV.
From: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
To: Arthur.Abrams@wmhs.edu
Subject: RE: dating...
Get on that driving thing! You should totally just come down to Columbus and I'll hook you up. I can't wait til I'm 16!
It's annoying that my parents have to drive me up there. That might be an issue if me and Kurt want to go out or something. You know how they feel about the whole issue...
Anyway, in the meantime, I'll tell them I'm thinking about taking a class at OSU this summer and that we should check it out. They'll give me some alone time, no problem.
OK, I just asked. Let's meet this Sunday at the Lima Bean near OSU at around 2. I don't know how long I'll be able to stay though.
From: Arthur.Abrams@wmhs.edu
To: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
Subject: RE: dating...
Sounds good.
From: Kurt.Hummel@wmhs.edu
To: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
Subject: hi
Dear Blaine,
It was so nice to talk to you on Sunday. I wish we could have talked longer, but I understand about the parent thing. Thankfully my dad is ok with the whole thing.
I know your parents don't like you talking to guys (how does that work exactly? Do you have friends?), but I hope email is ok.
I just need someone to talk to.
From: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
To: Kurt.Hummel@wmhs.edu
Subject: RE: hi
No need to be formal. Of course we can talk. This of course is my school email and I never check it at home.
Think of me as your sounding board. No thought is too trivial, no question is off limits.
From: Kurt.Hummel@wmhs.edu
To: Blaine.Anderson@dalton edu
Subject: what if...
What if things were so bad you wanted something to come take you away from it all?
What if you had nowhere to turn, because no one could understand?
I don't even want to send this email, but I remain
From: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
To: Kurt.Hummel@wmhs.edu
Subject: RE: what if...
I hope to god you're not serious. I wish I could come there now and make sure you're ok. Things can't possibly be that bad. Just slow down and talk to me. I'm here...
From: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
To: Kurt.Hummel@wmhs.edu
Subject: story time
I thought more about your email and decided I should just tell you the whole story. I understand exactly what it's like for no one to understand me...
I don't know how much Artie told you, but knowing him, not much. I have Arthrogryposis. It's a rare disorder where the muscles and nerves in my legs don't communicate. It's not degenerative, meaning it won't spread or get worse and I won't die from it. I'm just repeating back some if the things I've heard. Anyway, when I was born, I had really stuff joints in my hips, knees and feet and I had to have tons of operations just so I could sit comfortably. Those operations can't help me walk, who knows if they'll ever figure that out. Anyway, I don't care about that, besides that it's annoying that I can't always do what I want, like come check on you and stuff.
I've had a much harder time with my sexuality. As you know, my parents have a hard time with it. They say I can't talk to gay boys, but how could they possibly know? I think it's more the thought of me having a boyfriend that gets to them. Having a disabled son is hard enough...
Anyway, I'm sure you're not interested in my sob stories. I just want you to know I'm there for you.
From: Arthur.Abrams@wmhs.com
To: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
Subject: On like Donkey Kong
Who even invented that saying? Clearly Donkey Kong does not have it going on, he is a monkey.
Anyway, Brit and I are back together. It's amazing. I don't care anymore, you only live once, right?
From: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
To: Arthur.Abrams@wmhs.edu
Subject: RE: On like Donkey Kong
Can you tell Kurt I'm worried about him? Is he ok?
All I can say is, it's your life. Enjoy.
From: Arthur.Abrams@wmhs.edu
To: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
Subject: Kurt...
I'm worried about him too. I wish you could come check on him. I think you're the only person he will talk to right now.
From: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
To: Arthur.Abrams@wmhs.edu
Subject: RE: Kurt...
If only there was some way to get him to come out here...
From: Kurt.Hummel@wmhs.edu
To: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
Subject: visit
It was so nice to see you today. I know I just came to check it out (you are such a bad messenger by the way! I know the suggestion came from you). But I can't begin to tell you how amazing it was to see you and your friends performing. It wasn't even so much the set up, because we've done songs with only guys and with Artie on the lead. I'm used to just about anything now. But still, this was so different. The atmosphere was so accepting and warm. It almost seemed like magic.
I don't know how you do it, but you captivate the audience. I guess Artie is pretty good, but you're so much better. Maybe there's some kind of attraction... I hope you don't mind me saying that, but I feel like I can tell you anything.
Things are so bad at McKinley.
I think I might transfer to Dalton.
From: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
To: Kurt.Hummel@wmhs.edu
Subject: RE: visit
Thank you for the compliments! I hope you realize that Dalton isn't "magic," not by a long shot. There's about twice as much politics as there is fun, music and good times. I don't want to discourage you from coming here, but I am curious. What's going on?
I'm there for you...
From: Kurt.Hummel@wmhs.edu
To: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
Subject: RE: visit
I can't... I'm sorry. I just don't know what to tell you.
From: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
To: Arthur.Abrams@wmhs.edu
Subject: FW: visit
I didn't include the original email, but please find out what is going on with Kurt. He is really worrying me.
From: Arthur.Abrams@wmhs.edu
To: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
Subject: RE: visit
We've tried to talk to him, but he won't say anything. I say "we" because as you probably know, I'm not all that close to him. He's built these walls - and I understand exactly why - but for some reason I think he will talk to you if you could only get here.
I don't know what to say.
From: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
To: Arthur.Abrams@wmhs.edu
Subject: RE: visit
I can't get there!
From: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
To: Kurt.Hummel@wmhs.edu
Subject: RE: visit
I know you said you can't tell me, but please tell me you are OK.
You don't have to tell me any details.
From: Kurt.Hummel@wmhs.edu
To: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
Subject: RE: visit
I am OK. Things have been hard lately, but I will survive. Even though I don't believe in god, I have to wonder if this is some kind of test. I just wish I knew what it was and if I was gonna gain anything out of this mess.
Like I said, I was thinking about transferring. Dad told me he would use the money he'd saved for his honeymoon to send me to Dalton and I wouldn't let him. I'd rather stay here and just deal with it. Like you said, these problems don't go away. I will gain nothing by throwing money away and avoiding the situation.
I will be OK.
From: Blaine.Anderson@dalton.edu
To: Kurt.Hummel@wmhs.edu
Subject: RE: visit
Please be careful. Just remember I'll be there for you.