Chazzy Chaz!hybridshadowJanuary 19 2004, 01:19:14 UTC
It's Chester Bennington, from LP. AKA Chazzy Chaz, The Chemist, Chester the Molester... lots of names. Aww Heather was my first comment leaver! I feel so loved!
Re: Chazzy Chaz!oxinterruptedxoJanuary 19 2004, 03:08:44 UTC
yay! he looks so innocent.
go me, i'm your first commenter!!! woot! hey ask me on aol or something for the code to change "post comment" and "comments" so you can have something clever and fun. *mines a song by Tori Amos, called "Silent all these Years". The part of the song that my commenter thing come from goes: "Excuse me but can i be you for a while? My dog wont bite if you sit real still, i got the anti-christ in the kitchen yellin' at me again. (Well i can hear that) been saved again by the garbage truck, got something to say but nothing comes Yes i know what you think of me, you never shut up (yeah i can hear that)..."
hehe yay! i heart Tori almost as much as i heart angelina jolie!
Comments 4
go me, i'm your first commenter!!! woot! hey ask me on aol or something for the code to change "post comment" and "comments" so you can have something clever and fun.
*mines a song by Tori Amos, called "Silent all these Years". The part of the song that my commenter thing come from goes: "Excuse me but can i be you for a while? My dog wont bite if you sit real still, i got the anti-christ in the kitchen yellin' at me again. (Well i can hear that) been saved again by the garbage truck, got something to say but nothing comes Yes i know what you think of me, you never shut up (yeah i can hear that)..."
hehe yay! i heart Tori almost as much as i heart angelina jolie!
tis me, anniebear!
how be you?
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