#100 & #37

Oct 11, 2011 22:31

because i like being productive. heehee. short and not sweet. OTL
#100 goes first before #37 jsyk.

#100 Infinite - 247words ;; OT7 ;; G
From a team of five to seven, from people on the streets asking them who they are when asking who they are to recognizing them just from one glance. They had grown so much from their journey to stardom. From boys who wants to achieve their dreams, to boys who had achieved it. It was a grueling journey that they had all agreed that it had been worthwhile. From just a handful of fans out there in the crowd, to the whole crowd being their fans. Their popularity had increased this much during their journey. They still had so much of the journey left, because it never ends.

Dongwoo remembers how jittery he was during the debut stage. Woohyun remembers his pants ripping. Sunggyu remembers how fans only recognized him as “the person with most lines”. Myungsoo thought back to how fans only liked him cause of his pretty face at first. Sungyeol didn’t want to go on this path at first, but he still went on it. Hoya remembers how he left his house just to train and get this far. Sungjong remembers how he wasn’t part of it at first, but got added in just in time. There’s more to all these memories, they had so many memories, and they want to keep creating new ones.

INFINITE was their team name, and they believed that they, the seven boys, can do it. After all, they are infinite, and they are limitless. Nothing can stop them.

#37 Sixth Sense - 330words ;; Myungsoo/Hoya ;; G
It was like he had a sixth sense, Myungsoo was always there when Hoya needed him. Whenever he wakes up, beads of perspiration on his forehead, hair sticking out in all directions, Myungsoo will be next to him, gazing at him with his alluring soft dark hazel eyes. It soothes him out immediately, and goes back to slumber, a sweet dream playing in his mind. Myungsoo is always available for Hoya to talk, or listen, whenever Dongwoo decides to play with his feelings time after time, leaving his heart in a twisted state.

But all that assumption was broken off after Myungsoo left for Sungyeol. Left for what Hoya thinks its ‘better for him’, but it’s not better for Hoya. Never. Never once did Hoya have a sweet dream after he had a nightmare. Never once did Hoya have somebody to talk to when his heart gets jumbled up.

Weeks, months, a year had passed. Hoya had been cooping himself up at home, the home he once called home with Myungsoo. Hoya never knew how much Myungsoo meant to him. Hoya never knew that he actually loved him, more than Dongwoo. Hoya regrets. He regrets talking about Dongwoo. He regrets not cherishing the person next to him. Why does everyone have to only realize about the things they are meant to be cherished after they are lost? He wishes Myungsoo felt the same about him. If not why does he seemed to have this ‘sixth sense’ of his?

If Myungsoo really had sixth sense, (or what Hoya thinks is that he loved him back) Myungsoo will be the one knocking on the door, of the home they once called home. Exactly three hundred and sixty five days and five minutes after he left. Hoya could only hope as he sauntered over and opened the door, and it seemed like he didn’t have to anymore. As he was greeted by that same old smirk and dark hazel eyes he once missed.

!fanfic, #f: infinite, p: everyone, p: myungsoo/hoya, !c: 100 infinite fic

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