Who: Hinamori, Marluxia, and Roxas
When: Nightmare Silent Hill
Where: Blue Creek Apartments
Warnings: Violence
Summary: Our intrepid explorers find themselves trapped in their first nightmare encounter, with no weapons, no health items, and no rooster keys.
If I see any Chicken doors, I'll let you know. )
Comments 9
And when he compared what he envisioned Halloween Town to be, with what Silent Hill appeared to be, he definitely did not favor this place. At all. For coming here, he wouldn't be going up in the ranks like he'd been hoping; if he could somehow return, he would probably get berated by the Superior and hear a long, boring spiel about the importance of doing what you're supposed to doThe blond boy rolled his eyes, and then then a loud sound caught his attention, making his body straighten, and his hands were reaching to his ears. What the hell was that for ( ... )
Tentatively, she took a few steps towards the building, hoping the others would follow; her fear of the darkness was oddly significant... but not quite as significant as her fear of being alone in this bizarre town.
As an afterthought, she reached down to her sash, and flicked the switch on the flashlight she had stored there. The beam cut a swath through the spreading darkness... but not as large a one as she had hoped for. Then again, such a thing probably wasn't possible.
"What is this?" He asked, trying to get Hinamori to shine her light upon it.
No, he wasn't frightened by this place, he just... he wanted to approach the situation with caution. Yes.
Roxas nodded and followed Marluxia and Hinamori as they retreated from the streets, and into what he hoped to be a safe haven. But was this place even dangerous? He didn't know anything about it yet, so all of the opinions he was forming in his head were based merely off of his observations.
"Huh?" he asked when Marluxia spoke, and he glanced down at the floor before bending down to pick up the sheet. So they just left things lying around?
Roxas was already wondering what other things they'd be able to find in this place. He was hoping for an exit, honestly.
"Is this... a map?" she asked, somewhat rhetorically; it wasn't as if the other two were any more likely to know than she was, after all. Still... what was it a map of? The thought that it referred to the structure they were currently taking shelter in occurred to her, but... that would be AWFULLY convenient, wouldn't it?
Unbelievably so, one might say.
His jaw set, he looked towards the doors. If he felt reasonable, he would point out that they should simply stay in the lobby, and not look about in what looked like a tight space with many unsecured doors, but instead of reasonable, he was cold, wet, and hungry.
Even his patience had it's limits, and he was never one for his own physical discomfort.
"Perhaps we could find something warm to change into on the next floor." He reasoned, studying the map to make it lock into his own mind.
"Yeah, we might," he said with a nod of his head. If it was something running through Marluxia's mind as well, then it only reaffirmed his desire to do so. Hinamori probably wouldn't have minded either.
The probability of finding some place decent within this hell hole was unlikely, but Roxas was beginning to think that he would take whatever he could get, if he was going to be spending some time in this place.
It was just a matter of figuring out how long that would be.
Stairs, in agreement with the map they had just discovered, ascended from the far side of the foyer; near their base, though, laid what appeared to be a horribly burned corpse. As Hinamori turned the flashlight's beam upon it... it appeared to twitch.
At that very moment, the radio her companion was carrying gave off a quiet burst of static, before going silent once more.
He moved over to it as quickly as he could, hoping to crush it's chest before it made to stand up.
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