Greetings from your local keyblade master, Sora-mun! I encourage everyone to drop by, say hi, and fill out this completely pointless survey! It'll do wonders for you if you're bored. You'll get to know the people you'll be running away from monsters playing with right now, or in the near future. :D
There's a set of generic questions as well as a set pertaining to Silent Hill (but of course!) under the LJ-cut. Answer them by leaving a comment, and feel free to respond to anyone else's answers.
Generic Questions
- Your name/alias:
- Age:
- Gender:
- Location:
- What's your favourite color?
- If you were a color, what color would it be? (it's different from the previous question!)
- What's your favourite animal?
- What's your favourite food?
- What music do you listen to?
- What are some of your interests, hobbies, or pastimes?
- What fandom(s) are you interested in?
- What are your favourite characters from said fandom(s)?
- Ninjas or pirates?
For the following questions, if you don't know a lot about the Silent Hill fandom yet, use some of the info on the main
hymn_of_static pages, or do a quick online search of sorts.
Hymn of Static/Silent Hill Related Questions
- What is your greatest fear?
- What would be your preferred weapon type: melee or gun?
- If you could only have one of the following items, what would you pick: flashlight, map, or radio?
- What location in Silent Hill would you absolutely hate/be terrified of going to?
- What location in Silent Hill do you want to go to?
- If you could be any monster from the Silent Hill series, what would you be?
- What character (in the Silent Hill fandom or something else) would you want to be with as your meat shield tourist buddy?
- Likewise, what Silent Hill character do you want to stay far, far away from?
- Would you stick your hand down a suspiciously backed up toilet to get an item?
- Would you jump down an almost-bottomless hole without knowing what was at the bottom?
- What would you do if Cynthia promised to do a "special favor" for you?
- If Pyramid Head asked you out to dinner and a movie, what would you do?
- Would you attend the "after party" with him and his mannequin lady friends?