Because Chroche and I always spend our time trying to not forget Ar Tonelico terms :'(
See Chroche's
terms for more info if you want. \o/ Once again, from the AT1 art book.
The Concept of [Hymnos]
Hymnos are songs that control the Tower, and are fundamentally different from the songs in battle that use power taken from the Tower. Hymnos are directly engraved into the cosmosphere (soulspace) with a chant (Download Key).
Download Key
Was yea ra chs hymnos yor...
En chsee fwal fwal yor...
exec drone hymnos PAJA
You will become a song...
And will wear two wings...
Execute the download of Hymn Purger
into Misha.
Downloading Hymnos
Hymnos can only be downloaded by the person (=master) who has the Revyateil's true name (Secret Code). Though Hymnos is power, and has no physical shape, it uses a crystal as a preservation medium. In the ancient days, you could tell what the song was according to the code engraved in the crystal.
For Shurelia, the code [EORIA_ANSUL_ARTONELICO] must be put into the song.
For Misha, it would be [MISYA_FEHU_EORIA_ARTONELICO].
Usually, there is no secret code for Third Generations.
Hymn and Song Activation Process
Hymns are executed when the Tower captures the Revyateil's mind. It will search through the whole image of the emotional aspects of the song that she sings, and take it as an order. No matter what the melody is being sung at that moment, it will have the same power and effect. But depending on the concentration (synchronization rate) at that moment, the effectiveness may greatly change.
Examples of Hymns
Was i ga exec bansh A7 ar noes!
Was i ga
"I am very rushed"
exec bansh A7 ar noes!
"Open the A7 Dividing Gate under my name!"
... Was yant gagis exec suwant lyner...
Was yant gagis
"I'm so sad I can make a flood of tears. I want to escape this situation immediately"
exec suwant lyner
"Save Lyner"
Ma nam ra flip 0x1011001101 yor enter AR-TONELICO
"I am very calm.
I will enter your body into Ar tonelico by Flip Flop conversion"
This is actually Standard Hymnos. There is also Pastalia Hymnos (from AT2) which is even more mind wrecking then this.