
Dec 16, 2005 23:33

Okay, clarification! I WAS NOT glowing today, NOTHING happened, and the US essay wasn't death. But NO GLOWING!!! (really, was I?!)

Julia, this is for you to see. NOT GLOWING. Omgsh. hahaha.

So, certain things have to happen over break, or I will die. If it doesn't rain, sad, but rain or shine, .... grrr.

Okay, so maybe I was glowing a little ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

io_the_mad_cow December 16 2005, 23:46:14 UTC
You were too. You know you were.

(I'm willing to believe, however, that it's just from being around him. But I still think something happened.)


amlgirl13 December 17 2005, 09:56:06 UTC
hahahaha. i know you were never glowing.

nothing happened.

you didn't glow.

i didn't laugh.


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