
Jan 07, 2006 20:27

Wow I'm still shivering.

Have you ever had a time when something makes you feel a certain way, and before you know it it's a melody inside you, a song that has to be written? It's strange, because I haven't written a song in awhile; usually just poems. But for the first time tonight, the music came before the words, and the melody is there, and I ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

xxx_yukistar January 8 2006, 18:02:52 UTC
new? exciting?
how bout old n dull...
history comes up and causes a nice little box full of tention 2 deal with. tired, annoyed, and just blah...is how im feeling

as for your questions, easy.
1- no... because we would still have representitives in the goverment, though it would be less fair no doubt.
2- hell no... because being the presedent means you need experiance of being an adult and living life. being a minor n having a family of your own doesn't make much sense...


shiroki_tenshi January 8 2006, 21:13:11 UTC
1) Kinda. We never agreed to be taxed for our paychecks because we can't vote.

2) Ditto to Yasemin's answer. :)

Talking on the phone? I never liked it. Never found a dang thing to say to keep the conversation intact. Can't imagine how people talk on the phone for hours non-stop.


hyper_chiapet January 9 2006, 17:51:26 UTC
To both of your number two; is our country then stupid enough to elect an 18 year old, and that's why we need the law?


shiroki_tenshi January 9 2006, 18:07:14 UTC
No, but if an 18-year old can become mayor, hey, it's possible, but 18 years old is a tad young and that person may make irresponsible choices. ^^


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