I'm a pretty easygoing person. I get mad...never. It takes a lot for me to truly get mad, but it's happening.
So what,you ask, is getting me mad? Why, I'll tell you! (I'm assuming you care if you're reading this.)
The people I (used to?) consider my close friends once again went out without me even getting a call. This has been the...I don't know how many times it has been. I've lost count. Once in a while, I get, but every freakin' time they go out? It pisses me off. If I ever mention anything though, it's always "Oh! We WERE gonna call you, but *insert something I said in passing in a social networking site here*." The first few times this happened I bought it, since I did tweet/post something on Facebook about me being busy. These past few days...nothing.
Sure, I've been complaining about my work load, especially since it's finals season. However, this has been going on since before. Even if I do complain about my school work, I never indicated anything along the lines of "LEAVE ME ALONE." Even if I did, I feel that something like that shouldn't stop someone from calling to see if I'm free, especially if it's just small thing between friends. (It usually is too. We never really go (went?) all out.) It's pretty ridiculous, especially since I've basically done nothing for these people to start cutting me out.
I don't know if I should confront them about it and try and fix it or simply let these people fall to the wayside of my life.
People suck.