o_O Wow... a bunny. That's something you don't find outside every day... I'll be sure to ask my parents about it. But no promises, okay? ^^; He/she sounds adorable, though. <3
Yups. A bunneh. o_o Definitely not something you find everyday... XD Eh? Oh, don't worry about it anymore. ^^ My mom took care of it (I knew it! She WAS worried about the bunny!! XD *Mom had been denying this*)
Yes, they SOUND spiffy, but for some reason it's not working spiffily... O_o; Lol... I'm sure they can fit us there somewhere. ^^ I think it did. ^-^ My mom took it to the humane society, so now it's somewhere with REAL rabbit food, probably a casted leg, and an actual BED with WATER! =D LOL!!!
Comments 4
HOMG I'm moving into your aunt's house. *.*
I'll sleep on the roof. XD
Hope the bunny winds up all right....bunnies are so cute...;_;
*has had Sakaki convulsions the whole entry and is currently being smacked by Vincent for a change. XD*
Lol... I'm sure they can fit us there somewhere. ^^
I think it did. ^-^ My mom took it to the humane society, so now it's somewhere with REAL rabbit food, probably a casted leg, and an actual BED with WATER! =D
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