As much as I avoid BL for the sake of friends...

Jul 24, 2007 02:42

I can't help adding it in little additions. XD I wrote a little AU Reversal-verse clip.

This does NOT happen in the original storyline and these two are NOT getting the original storyline. That doesn't mean I can't have fun with them elsewhere.


Takahashi stared at Seirios hard throughout the entire class period. It made him increasingly uncomfortable as time wore on.

He lowered himself in his seat, the back of his neck burning.

Taka cocked an eyebrow.

Sei started to sweat.

The bell finally rang, signalling the end of the day, and Taka jumped up, videocamera at the ready. Plopping himself on Sei's desk in an alluring position, leveling the camera to get his face, he curled his lips into a smile. "Last night was a-maz-ing." He purred.

Sei sat there, shell shocked, the books he'd saved from being sat on tumbling to the floor. KRAD!!! WHAT! DID! YOU! DO???????!!

Taka clicked off the record button and left the classroom cackling.

(AU: What have you done, Schizo? ::weeps:: You've turned me into a Hikari-Saehara fangirl! And it shows THROUGH MY WRITING! ::bawls::::bursts into laughter soon after:: It's so fun though.)

And here's another that just popped into my mind. XD It could definately be shoved somewhere into the future storyline.


Sei sidled up to his dad quietly, the poor man trying to read through every single book in their extensive library, it seemed.

"Father?" He called softly, right next to the chair. Satoshi jumped and twisted to stare at him, having missed his entry into the room. "Father, were you aware what class you enrolled me into?"

Satoshi looked at him, still somewhat deadened by his lack of sleep.

"I'm in Seriso's class, Father." He still didn't seem to catch on, beginning to give him a look to get to his point or get out. "She's technically in the year under me." Even though he was in a higher class level than even his own age, his dad enrolled him a year below.

Finally it clicked for the man and a look of guilt crossed his features. He hadn't realised.

Seirios nodded. "That's it. Put the book down, Father. You are going to bed!"


He gave him a hard stare. "Mother is in the other room with a frying pan if you don't cooperate."

Even half asleep Satoshi knew better than to argue with his wife when she was determined. He nodded, following along and trying not to fall completely asleep while walking.

(AU: I feel really bad about this, but when I was writing Sei into Seriso's class, I completely forgot he was a year older. XDD So here's the excuse.)

[fandom] dnangel, [verse] reversal

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