Ethnicity: asian/irish/shannonian
Favorite game: Tony hawk(COUGHCAUSEIBEATALLYOURASSES)and pinball
Can you dance: I can "Shake it like a Polaroid Picture"
Name/s of your future children (if any): If BY ACCIDENT - guy and sky
Love is: confusing
Stress is: LIFE
Future field of work: Cartoonist
If you had a million dollars:
Anything and everything.
You're obsessed with: clothes
Your ideal dude/non-dude: NOT AN ASSHOLE
Longest relationship: About a month
Shortest relationship: 8 days
Dating should be: FUN! You people need to stop making your relationship problems more complicated then they are.
Gettin' Emotional
Ever seen your father cry: i think he cried when my brother and i hid our report card
Ever seen your mother cry: yea
Last time you cried in public: couple weeks ago
Crying is: embarassing, i hate crying, especially in front of people...that's what i get for being a sensitive person
Laughing is: highly enjoyable
Are you an asshole: Why yes i am, but i'm also really nice. I dont know how i manage out both.
The happiest you've ever been: can't pick any time, but just whenever i'm with my friends.
The most woeful you've ever been: last year around gaitlenburg time.
For Weirdness' Sake!
strangest place you've ever been to: i dunno...cant think of any
weirdest food you've ever eaten: alligator i suppose
weirdest thing your family members ever did: My family usually does a lot of weird things...not my parents actually...just me and my brother.
weirdest thing your friends ever did: can i really pick just one time? I'll just pick most recent. My whole friday haha.
ever been the subject of a prank: i'm not sure, once dustin played a really crappy joke on liz and i.
Friends (Try not to use the same person twice...)
The funniest: They all have their moments, but i'd have to saaaay...hmm...i i seriously can't decide, liz, bridgett and i are together are pretty funny(yes we count as one person), so i'll go with that, but i think everyones funny otherwise i wouldnt be hanging out with you all.
The drama queen/king: no comment!
The one with the coolest hair: Dustin's new hair, and i like dave's hair, and i've always liked di's hair
The craziest: Liz
The nicest: Lindsay
The most resolute/adamant: umm, eric?
The cutest: jenny