2014 - a year in the life.

Jan 02, 2015 09:36

January: A lot of words have been exchanged over the past couple of days. First off is finally talking with a supervisor for the front office of my doctor (and I currently use that term lightly). Another word exchange was with an 11 year old boy who spoke before he thought. I jokingly put on his dad's glasses and he told me that I look like a short, fat, Herminone Granger. I know he wasn't being malicious, but DAMN IT old wounds really don't heal. My girls may be in a newsletter (GEMS group) for all the awesome things we do.

February: Went to DundraCon, reconnected with an old friend of mine, had a lovely Valentine's Day with Rey at an old sushi restaurant.

March: Had surgery on my arm. Didn't write anything for obvious reasons.

April: Been going to karaoke on Monday nights at the Funky Monkey in Hayward. You know, that bar can be pretty rough, but on Monday nights - no one wants to fight. It's freaking Monday and people have to work! So that's not too bad.
Im going to be the head of Con Opertations at BayCon this year. Next thing I found out, yesterday as a matter of fact, is that I am the Maid of Honor at my best friend's wedding in Ohio. In July.But for the most part, everyone, I'm happy, getting healthier, and I am very much in love. That is all.

May: Major room overhaul/excavation. Found out Craig is getting married (more power to him). BayCon went well! Much better than I anticipated. Then again, I didn't know what to expect so I could roll with stuff a hellofalot easier than those who are more set in their ways. Apparently, this was a really good year. And now, time to decompress. Didn't get a lot of sleep this past weekend.

June: This last week has been rough for me. Within the past 12 days, I've had 3 friends die. And here is where I blink in disbelief. I had surgery 3 months ago. I dropped an unheard of 5 lbs in a day due to a side affect that was extremely unpleasant, only to have that foiled. Not only foiled, but entirely run over and now I'm beyond the 5 lbs lost and into...this.

July: Great fun in Sarah's wedding. Met my newest Godson (Joesph), and got to reunite with Colleen (my oldest and only Goddaughter). I think it was funny that I matched up Sarah and her (now) husband. That's just awesome. Hilarious! And awesome.

August: I have, after 10 months been cleared to go back to work! Now if there was only some work...

September: So, I've been living in a hotel for the past 2 weeks and it looks like I'll be there for 2-3 more. My apartment got flooded by the 3rd story water heater exploding. I am sick of this 20 lbs that I have accumulated since the surgery. I have a workout buddy, we're gonna go 2-3 x/week, and just... woo!! Die you sodding annoying flab, die!
Had Convolution last weekend. Cute. Fun. Helped run the game room. I am finding myself increasingly done with conventions, both working and attending. Yeah, parties are fun, but I widely find myself with nothing to do. Back at the middle school today. I'm taking a full 30 days, but am not the designated sub anymore. Ok. And I've gone & screwed things up. Oh joy. Let's see what happens, shall we?

October: TL;DR - Sticking with original job - not fired. You know what's hard? Having something that is REALLY good that you want to tell everyone, but you can't because it hasn't happened yet - and you won't for fear of jinxing it and not having happen at all. I know me telling or not telling does not interfere with the reality of the results, but I come to find that spoiling a surprise is a real dick move. So I smile and stay silent.

November: I spent my Halloween in comfy pants scaring the ever loving crap out of kids. Good times! I put on my purple minion pajama pants, poofed up my hair, then answered the door with a purple minion "BLAUGH!" (I was an off duty minion who got de-purpleized). My room is... still in move out mode. Still on an air mattress. Still not painted. I'm having a really hard time right now dealing with work. This is my 8th year substitute teaching and I'm done. Come on Universe. I know you have three subjects that should be going well in life - love, money, job. I'm supposed to pick TWO!! Not One, TWO!! Egnyte has asked me back for a second interview/shadow time next Tuesday. Penumbra I will find out by early next week.

December: Finally! The cosmos have given me a leg up! I got the job I wanted at Egnyte! Other than my technical difficulty, I'm enjoying my new line of work.

Thoughts on this year:
I finally had a surgery. A full on, knock-my-happy-ass-out, surgery. I know that's not something you WANT but it was a new experience.
I have learned a thing or two about pain and the different levels and kinds of pain. There is healing pain, and "you moron stop doing that" pain, and a whole bunch of recuperating levels of pain.
I never realized how bad my old job was until I got out of it. I hope to never go back to that dehumanizing, dead end job. It really was a soul suck that did nothing for me and was never going to go anywhere.
I learned more about love and what it means to love and be loved to a new level I never thought possible.
All-in-all, this year was alright. It had it's ups and downs, like all years do, but it was a year of waiting and learning. Especially since I couldn't do much for over half the year due to injury.
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