Go to your calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2005. Post the first line (or so) of it in your journal, and that's your "year in review".
-January 2-
just got home from maryanna's a little while ago. i went over there friday afternoon. WE WATCHED NAPOLIAN DYNAMITE!!!!! omg that movie rocks x76463264028632073!!!!! we wanted to learn the dance, but we never did. ;^( then arianna came. i don't really remember much we did except we played tony hawk underground 2 (haha, poor arianna sucked at it), and went online, made a gingerbread house (it was the shit!!), and took tons of pictures...
-Febuary 1-
so i stayed home sick today. i slept all day. just woke up about 20 minutes ago.. i have a feeling my mom is gonna make me go tommorrow, even though i know i'll still be sick. bleh..
yea, i'm too cool for school, just like my song
<33 *-Krissy-*
-March 5-
wow, i havent updated in 5 days... i cant remember like anything thats happened... i got The Used CD ;^D that makes me very happy... today i wandered stratford with sam, devan, and shannon. ate alot. what else is new? i'm way to lazy to type out anything, so i'll just post some lyrics...
-March 12-
so me and josh are done with now. apparently lily told him i was literally 'fucking around' with matt while i was going out with him.. because, you know, i'm that much of a slut.. and i'm not a virgin, right? ..so now me and matt are together, which makes me so unbeleiveably happy, because like no one understands how much i like this kid...
-April 1-
i've decided i love CAPT schedule x74659286345864358734. we don't go in till 10.42 or something today. i've got homeroom, straight to lunch (1st lunch shift is the shit x76347534 <3), science, study hall, and foods. this makes me happy x7657436584376756345 <3 i'm in a real good mood right now and it's weird...
-May 1-
i really should be working on my english project, considering it was due friday, and i have to have it in by tommorrow if i don't want to deal with getting yelled at by mrs davis, and matt's not gonna talk to me tonight if i dont do it, butttt..... i dont have the stuff i need for it (i didnt even look to see if i do, but shhh)...
-June 1-
hi kids. im bored so i decided ill update..
my foods teacher made us stuff today. i heart when she does that, i just sit there and space out the whole time. she made some crab thing, shrimp, and clams. :) goodness.. joe came back with me and ewelina from lunch instead of going to his class. we had a sub so he didnt realize it until he was doing attendance. that sub was spasy, i swear, he was freakin creepy...
-July 2-
guys, im gonna learn how to skateboard. i decided thats my new summer goal. the carnival bored us yesterday, so me and matt went to kb toys and i attempted to skate. and now im gonna learn because i said i am.
went to the mall today with matt andddd his friends and some random people. for like almost 8 hours. god danm, i dont think ive ever spent that much time at the mall. did random shit, i dont really feel like updating about it so the end
<3 Krissy
-August 2-
yea, so i havent been on lj for a while.. nothing interesting has really happened, just drama and shit... theres less than a month left of summer vacation, thats really sad.. me and matt decided to 'take a break' for a week or so last night.. that didnt work. after like half an hour i missed him and called him back and we were just like 'fuck that shit its not worth it'. the end.... sam and shannon slept over last night..... uhm yea, ive got nothing to say at all
so k bye
<3 Krissy
-September 5-
Matt broke up with me
i feel like shit
it was gonna be 6 months on sunday...
-October 1-
WitheredWhispers [9:33 PM]: Identical
to the right
but more gentle
and more bright.
There's not a bump
not a line
no small lump
watch it shine.
It's my best friend
the right's too mean
we'll never end
we share our dreams.
It's so perfect
it does not leak
it will not wreck
it's Krissy's left butt cheek.
shannon = the shit
-November 3-
yea so, verizon was right
my bill was 237$. oops =)
so my parents took my phone away, i miss it =(
apparently i need to get a job to pay for it?
except im 15, not 16, so no one will hire me
did i mention i miss my phone?
-December 3-
sooo today i went to the mall with shannon and samantha. my parents only gave me $40 then my dad got pissed when he found out i only got christmas presents for 2 people. sorry im nice and not cheap, but i like buying people nice gifts, especially when i already know theyre getting me something nice.. both my parents have been super bitchy to me x75439654343654 today. and i really havent done anything at all this time...
so yea, differences....
in the beginning of the year i wasnt friends with sam or devan, but now we've made up. i barely talk to maryanna, sam d, or sarah anymore and i dont talk to arianna at all. me and ewelina are still friends.. i never learned to skate (well, any tricks anyways).. now i like barely update and whenever i do its usualy short. ive become a huge camera/myspace whore. i'm a lot more emo then i used to be.. me and matt obviously got back together and yea, we're keeping our original anniversery date, 9 months today. i fell in love with him♥ +i grew up a lot more and learned a lot of shit. and thats about it..