I amon too much accine because iforgotit wasa sleep inday and i am freakingout because i came to school at 7 20!!!!! I wanted to be early buti realized half way here that i was too early and now i am ferakingout !!!!!CAFFINE oh manmymath calss will hateme ihave to be qwuiet inthe library but i am hqavinga major whackattack! I cant do anything!! Im
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Comments 6
( Yes i read all of that... oh and i played a game with tons of ghetto and ive got some to teach you... like.. " yo thats big dog style there " and " nah i aint mad at that , thats a hot look " )
um the only words that i really dont know are "Urueghiseru" and "hrruhghauliuvyniescu"
i almost did the same thing, waking up at 7 am and totally panicking. but i didn't.
i woke up at 8:00 thinking "oh shit i should've woken up at 7:00. fuck it."
this post is written exactly like an over caffeinated mind would be thinking... i LOVE IT!!! I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!! i once had a triple shot mocha at about 9 pm and was up ALL NIGHT. it was awful. at three, i was sitting in bed shaking, and i thought 'hmm, this is a waste of time. i will do homework.' so i did homework. COFFEE IS HELLA DAMN FUcKIN GOOOOOD@!!!!! MMMMMMM!!!!
You rock when you're caffine high.
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