Set it and forget it

Jan 16, 2007 04:21

And that's exactly what I did. I copied this survey from Josh with every intent to fill it out, but I never got around to filling it out...until now. It's 4am, but this can't wait any longer..

2006 Survey
Answer the questions as they apply to the past year.

Age you turned: 16; I guess it's supposed to be a big step in life, but it didn't feel like it.
Did you grow?: In every way possible.
School/Work: South County Secondary/No job.
IM Screen name(s): Hyperslurpie
Best birthday gift: 60GB iPod
Best Christmas/holiday gift: Either the new bindings, Shuffle, or plethora of clothing
Most important thing you learned: Driving?
Did your physical appearance change?: Grew my hair out for the latter portion of the year, and I guess the skin on my face got pretty bad?
Did you, personally change?: For the most part yeah, and I'm glad that I did.
Best month(s): June, July, December, and maybe more I can't think of right now.
Worst month(s): September, February(?), and maybe more I can't think of right now.

Best friend(s): Nitin, Wardah, and I guess just a people that I could talk to about whatever and know that it would not be passed onto anyone else.
New friend(s): Just to name a few: Ed, Bear, Elizabeth. New friends are always nice I guess.
Lose any friends?: Not "lose" really, just lost touch/contact. I guess that's what happens when you don't have classes together anymore.
Lose any family members?: Thank god no.
Any new family members?: Do dogs count?
Most influential person(s): Family and friends, as vague as that may be.
Five people you started talking to: N/A

Have any crushes?: Had one
How many relationships?: none
Longest relationship: N/A
Shortest relationship: N/A
Did you have your heart broken?: I don't think so.
Status at the beginning of the year: Single
Status now: Same
Status you want/ed to be: Probably in a relationship for a while, but apathetic about it by the end of the year.
Have any regrets?: I put those behind me.
Did you fall in love?: Not with another person.

Sports played/joined: Off the top of my head: Snowboarding, Outdoor Track, Cross Country, Ping-Pong, Rollerblading
Clubs joined: Environmental Club (Hopefully it'll look good on teh transcript)
Other activities (arts, drama, music, etc): I was on my computer for most of the year.
Quit/drop any sports?: Coach kicked me off the cross country team in the last week.
Quit/drop any clubs?: Nah
Any sports, clubs, or activities you wish you joined?: Nope
Wish you quit?: N/A

Did you party?: There were multiple LAN parties, but I don't think those really count.
Did you throw any parties?: Again, LAN party...
Vacations: The annual Busch Gardens & VA Beach trip, and the return of the Xmas for Houston tradition (which I very much enjoyed).
Best winter event: Going down to Houston for the holidays.
Best spring event: Spring Break I guess?
Best summer event: Nothin' much, just chillin'.
Best autumn event: Being able to drive.
Ever sneak out?: Nah.
Get in any fights?: Verbal ones I guess.
Any "firsts"? (first time trying things, going places, etc): Too many.

Plans for the new year?: Still in the works.
Hopes for the new year?: Do better in school.
New Years Resolution: They're written down somewhere.
Goals you want to accomplish: Halo 3?
Anything you're putting behind you?: Probably.
Age you will turn: 17, which means I can get into R movies by myself! (amongst other things)
Any big changes taking place?: Guess I'll have to wait and see what the future holds in store for me. (unintentional rhyme)
Going anywhere?: Most likely.
What changes do you want to make?: Multiple ones.
What college/university do you attend?: N/A
Is it a private or state school?: N/A
How many students attend?: Too many.
Is your campus really small or really big?: Really small.
Did the designers try at all to make it pretty or is just buildings and cement?: They tried to make it pretty, and I guess it does, if you appreciate that sort of stuff.
What year are you?: Junior.
Is it a really old campus or pretty contemporary?: Pretty contemporary. After all, this is only the school's 2nd year.
Do the asshole kids walking around constantly smoke, even if it’s 20 degrees out?: Uh, no?

Student Life
Do you live in the dorms?: Nope
Are the other students pretty wild or is it fairly quiet?: A mix, I would say.
Be honest, are there a lot of foreigners?: Perhaps too many.
Would you consider yourself a partier, nerd, burnout, or God fiend?: Nerd I guess.
How many nights a week do you drink, on average?: 0
How many nights a week do you smoke pot?: 0
Are your RA’s pretty cool or really strict?: N/A
How much alcohol do you have right now?: None
What’s the craziest thing you have in your room?: My bed.
What’s the craziest thing you have done in college yet?: N/A
Do you like your roomies?: I enjoy my own company very much thank you.
Do you play any sports?: Yes.
How is your school’s football team?: Better than it was last year.
How many games have you gotten wasted at?: None.

How many credit hours are you taking?: N/A
Are your professors pretty cool or not so much?: It varies. Then again, I wouldn't really refer to them as professors, except for the one who teaches a History class at NOVA.
What’s your major?: N/A
Are you going to minor/put an emphasis on any areas?: Again, N/A
Do you have any auditorium classes with over 100 students?: No
Are you one of those kids that always sits in the same areas, even though there aren’t assigned seats?: Yeah.
Honestly, have you gone to all of your classes this semester?: Yes.
How are your grades doing in light of this?: Varies. I would say average-ish.
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