*pokes her head in* Hey. Happy birthday. *tosses him a small package* You might find that useful next time you find yourself needing to become part of the scenery. *grins and disappears again - considering that she has an identical package in her hand, one might reasonably assume that she's going to go track down other-Ryan*
*The package, when opened, contains a leather arm-cuff inlaid with silver and a single white crystal, and a note.
I thought you'd like something to improve your odds of making it to your next birthday. This won't make you invisible, but it'll do the next best thing. When you put it on, it will distract people from you - if they'd normally see you, their eyes will just slide past, if they'd normally hear you, they'll think they heard something else,something not suspicious in the least.
The color of the crystal will tell you when the charge is getting low - the darker it is, the lower the charge. Try not to use it more than 24 hours at a time, and give it a day or two to recharge between uses if at all possible. If it goes past black to clear, that's it - charge is permanently gone, so don't overdo it!
And happy birthday!
*Triv will leave the present where other-Ryan sure to find it on his return - it's got the exact same thing as the one she just gave reboot-Ryan.*
Comments 11
Would you like a birthday cake?
((Wrong icon before. ^^;))
Oh, and by the way - yeah. Someone was looking for you. This was a coupla days back, but... *shrugs*
If I can get down to the bakery, I'll send you something.
Thanks, kiddo. *grins*
*blinks at the package*
((What is it?))
*Cpt. Alexander is currently off on a mission, but he's gonna be pretty damn happy. And shocked.*
I thought you'd like something to improve your odds of making it to your next birthday. This won't make you invisible, but it'll do the next best thing. When you put it on, it will distract people from you - if they'd normally see you, their eyes will just slide past, if they'd normally hear you, they'll think they heard something else,something not suspicious in the least.
The color of the crystal will tell you when the charge is getting low - the darker it is, the lower the charge. Try not to use it more than 24 hours at a time, and give it a day or two to recharge between uses if at all possible. If it goes past black to clear, that's it - charge is permanently gone, so don't overdo it!
And happy birthday!
*Triv will leave the present where other-Ryan sure to find it on his return - it's got the exact same thing as the one she just gave reboot-Ryan.*
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