Saturday when there was a fuckload of people going to this kegger/house party off campus *ya.. by 10 all 4 kegs where dry*.. I was so hungry and we passed by McDonalds...
I got a motherfucking Gaddam Happy Meal... and you know what. The toy really made my night.
Sushi and a happy meal all in one week. I might just Explode
soooo Ya.. Purrrdyy much i had sushi for my first time ever last night.... Seriously.
It was like 6 dollar small boxed up sushi, and my lord it was actually really bomb.
If i hadn't been drunk i never would of eaten though. BUT Now, oh nowww i wanna eat sushiii all the time woooOo. But ya hope you kids out there in tv land are doing well.
Soo i woke up this morning to my dad going "Holllllllly fuck Yoni.. How much tequilla did you drink last night". -- Now this is a pretty usual thing to hear in the morning... EXCEPT for the part of how he knew WHAT I WAS DRINKING
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