Politics shmolitics, it's too confusing...

Aug 10, 2008 16:53

Would you do meth if it was legalized?
The legality isn't so much the issue. If I knew I was going to die soon, then yeah, I might.

Are you for or against abortion?
I don't have a uterus, therefore, my opinion on this issue shouldn't matter unless the potential ex-fetus is also mine.

Would the United States fall with a woman president?
No, seriously, how could they do any worse?

Do you believe in the death penalty?
This question is poorly worded. Yes, I believe in the death penalty, insofar as it exists. To completely ignore any shred of tangible evidence of the existence of something and swear that it doesn't just because I say so would make me... well... a creationist. *shudder*

Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
ABSOLUTELY. Then, maybe, potheads would find something interesting to talk about. ...Maybe.

Do you believe in God?
No, but I hear He believes in me. So, that's comforting.

Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
The fact that it hasn't been already completely blows me away. BOYS KISSING BOYS IS ALL ICKY HURR. ...retards.

Do you think its wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA?
Yes. They should go back to where they came from. Which is, what, Mexico? Cuba? Honduras? ...but then, they all came to those countries from Spain, so should they go back to Spain? But then, how did they get to Spain? Okay, new rule: Everyone who wasn't born in America (the country, not, you know, the continent) has to move back to Mesopotamia. Where they fucking came from. Ohhhhhh sayyyyy caaannn youuuuu seeeeeee?

A twelve year old girl has a baby...should she keep it?
What, did a stray baby just follow her home from school or something? No, I don't think anyone under the age of seventy should be allowed to raise children.

Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
I remember the Alcohol Age. It came right after the Second Ice Age, right before the Stone Age. ...That was a good Age.

Assisted suicide is illegal...do you agree?
I refer you to my comments regarding the poorly worded question above.
Also, I don't think it should be illegal. It should be fucking mandatory.

Do you believe in spanking your children?
Hey kids! I want you to meet my old Army buddy, Corporal Punishment!
FUCK yes, hit your fucking kids so they don't fucking scream in the middle of a fucking restaurant where other fucking adults are trying to eat their fucking food in peace. Fucking hippies.

Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
I wish the Dark Knight had come out when I was in high school, so I could've taken the Joker's advice, "If you're good at something, never do it for free." Especially if I knew the going rate was a fucking MIL.

A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case, do you agree?
I think the "temporary insanity" defense is a load of shit. You're either sane or you're not.

Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
I'm not afraid of anything.
...Except cows. *shudder* ...terrifying.

And yes, that is an MxPx quote in the subject line. Big whoop. Wanna fight abouddit?
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