Player Information:
Name or Handle:
AIM/ MSN / Plurk name:
Any current characters here?:
Character Information:
Character Name:
Just a few sentences describing your character's outward appearance. We don't want eighty paragraphs on the color of their fine, Corellian brandy-brown eyes (well, actually, that could be hilarious. Go for it.) but if your character has any unusual physical attributes this would be a good place to make a note of them
Describe how your character think, how they come across to others, and how they perceive their environment. We are also looking for positive and negative traits of the character- give us a complete look into your character's mind. A minimum of 250 words please, anything shorter may be asked for revisions.
If you are apping a character arriving from another game: Please explain the changes your character has undergone in terms of personality because of experiences at their past game(s).
The history of your character. If you want, you may link a wiki page.
Canon point:
Where exactly from your character's canon are you taking them, as well as a short reasoning for why you would like to play them from this point
If you are apping a character arriving from another game: Please give us their important background information in a separate, marked section.
Special Abilities:
For the sake of plot, we'd prefer it if you found a way to adapt your characters' powers into the Star Wars universe. This includes abilities from other games. If you are unsure of how to translate your character's abilities, just list their canon ones and the mod team will help you!
Please choose from Civilian, Republic Military, Sith Military, Jedi, or Sith. More information of the sects can be found at the appropriaitely titled Sects page. If you are unsure of where your character would fit, we recommend starting out in the Civilian Sect!
This is optional. If you have a job or position in mind already for your character, please state it here. If you are bringing a character in from another game, we'd prefer it if they had an established job in this universe. Any questions you have can be brought to the mod team at
First Person:
This is a holovid or datapad post for your character, similar to writing in a journal. These posts can be auditory, video, or text.
Third Person:
Please provide a sample of your character using third-person, or prose, style writing. You may also link us to a prose log with which your character participated in.
Anything Else:
Any additional notes can go here, such as roommate preference if applicable. If you are bringing a character in from another game and have not yet mentioned the name of the game, here would be a good place.