Z - Zodiac sign: Aries
Y - Yummy food: Children pie...I mean um...breadsticks
X - X-rays you've had : Teeth, boobehs, chest (for pneumonia)
W- Wearing right now: My sex on denim pants and my NMBC Zero shirt
V - Voting for: Pedro
U - Unknown fact about me: Iay amay uentflay inay igpay atinlay >>;
T - Time you wake up: Usually around 2 o.x;;
S - Song you last heard: Rock and Roll is not Dead - Miyavi
R - Reason to smile: I've never been molested AND I don't have AIDS
Q - Quote you like: "If you're so religious, then what's your favorite book of the bible?!" "...The one where Jesus chokes on a puzzle piece and the man with the big yellow hat has to save him?"
P - Phobia: DirenGreyBreakingUpaphobia
O - One time accident: Nani? o_o;
N - Number of siblings: 2
M - Mom's name: Deby
L - Love to watch this movie over and over again: Moon Child (Go ahead, laugh! >O)
K - Kindergarten reminds you of: Cubby spaces, and show and tell.
J - Job title: I'll have one in a week or so =\
I - Instruments: Violin, but I wanna play bass ><;;;;
H - Home town: Portsmouth, VA
G - Gummy worms or bears? Worms (Octopii if I had the choice)
F - Favorite song of the moment: Saisaisainara Bye bye bye - Meev cakes feat. Psy, that or that one Madeth Gray'll song where Hisui yells "RUGENATAI(?)!!" over and over and half way through he starts moaning and going "Boku wa...hotsuma(?)...boku wa...hotsuma(?)!" Oh God if that's not sex, I don't know what is ^^
E - Easiest person to talk to: There are very few people I find it not easy to talk to
D - Dad's name: Felix o.o;
C - Career in future: Professional comfy mattress tester outer
B - Band listening to right now: Kana (Yeah shut up, she's a good singer, sounding like a dying cat is a talent...why don't you try singing like a dying cat sometime?! Haha, way to defend a good artist)
A - Age: 16
AROUND THIS TIME ONE YEAR AGO: I was going out with Nic o_o;
YESTERDAY: I went to Festa Italiana to see Tracy's son do a demonstration
TODAY: Was the most amazing thunderstorm EVER
THREE ITEMS I HAVE LOYALTY TO ARE: How the hell can you have loyalty to an object?
THREE SONGS I KNOW ALL THE WORDS TO ARE: Cage and Yokan by Diru, Genwaku no Joukei - Kagrra
1. What is your name? Pam
2. Do you wish on stars? Of course
3. What's your favorite color(s)? Blue(Cerulean), midnight Blue and dark red
4. Do you like your handwriting? I do sometimes
5. Who are you jealous of? Nick for being so much effing better than me at practically everything >=O
6. What do you look for out of life? Anything that can make me and the people around me happy
7. Who is your favorite family member? Either mah daddeh or mah cousin Billy
8. Why are you filling out this survey? I'm bored out of my simple mind
9. What is your favorite season? Summer
10. If you were another person would you be friends with you? No way
11. Pepsi/Coke? Mountain Dew
12. Do you find yourself attractive? No >O
13. Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? Nope
14. What is your guy type? Someone I can have hours of conversation with and we have enough of the same beliefs,
15. Do looks matter? Not really, but you don't wanna gag everytime you see your SO
16. What is the sexiest thing a guy can wear? A skirt
17. Person you respect the most? Anyone who's had the courage to come out of the closet
18. Have you ever met anyone famous? ...Don Mclean o_o;
19. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? There's no reason why there shouldn't be one
20. Whats your favorite song? Warning by Ash, Kagrra and Due Le Quartz, Aurora by Vanessa Mae, and Genwaku no Joukei by Kagrra...oh and the Final, Drain Away, Saku and Higeki ha Mabuta wo Oroshita Yasashiki Utsu by Diru
21. What do you do to prevent anger? I usually don't (Che sera, sera?)
22. Are you passive or aggressive? Depends on my mood and the situation
23. Who is your idol? Kyo or Toshiya
24. Do you trust others? I try not to, but I end up doing it anyway --;
25. What was your favorite toy as a child? Duplos roxxorz ur boxxorz XP
26. What class in school do you think is totally useless? PE (haha I told Sapa that I thought his class was useless this year x.x;;; )
27. What class is the BEST? Study Hall
28. Do you like sappy love songs? No
29. Have you ever been on radio or television? Yeah, both.
30. Have you ever intentionally hurt another person? Yeah...hasn't everyone?
31. Do you like sarcasm? Only if you can tell it's sarcasm.
32. Do you believe in God? I am God.
33. Do you feel understood most of the time? Of course, everyone's probably gone through what I'm going through so I just assume that they can relate to me and understand.
34. Are you afraid of anything? 3AM, and flies(I'm getting a little better, I think)
35. What is your favorite movie? Moon Child
37. What is your nickname? Japam
38. How much money would it take before you kissed a member of the SAME sex on the lips? I don't see what would be so bad about it, so I'd just pretend like it bothered me and ask for about $100.
39. What are you worried about right now? Jon and/or Shelly
40. Do you ever wear overalls? Lmmfao yeah right
41. Do you think you are strong (emotionally)? Nah
42. Been so drunk you blacked out? Never been drunk =o
43. Gone out in public in your pajamas? No
44. Missed school b/c it was raining? I don't think so
45. Set any body part on fire for amusement? One time I tried to light my pants on fire.
46. Had an imaginary friend? No
47. Someone else didnt feel like anwsering this one! >>;
48. Cried during a movie? Only one (Green Mile)
49. Had a crush on a teacher? No
50. Found a cartoon character attractive? Manga bishis = sex
51. Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape? No
52. Planned your week based on the TV Guide? No, and I hope I never do.
53. Been on stage? For orchestra concerts, but dammit I'll be in a play this year >_<;
54. Gotten in a car accident? No
55. Who's the loudest friend? Drea
56. Who knows all your secrets? Amanda B? Or Shelly...maybe a lot of people, I guess they're not secrets anymore o_o;
57. Who was the last person you cried with? Um...with? OH! My dad, like 2 years ago!
In the last 24 hours have you:
58. Cried: No
59. Cut your hair: No
60. Worn a skirt: No
61. Been mean: Yeah
62. Been sarcastic: Yeah
63. Talked to someone you love: Yes
64. Missed someone: Yeah sorta
65. Fought with your parents/sister/brother: Yeah
66. Wished upon a star: No
67. Played Truth or Dare: No
68. Watched a sunrise/sunset: Both! Hell yeah.
69. Went to the beach: No